Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Read on the Internet about ope much...

10.11.2005, 14:28
Hello! Read on the Internet about operation on the equipment or installation of an implant in an anticnemion much. On consultation the plastic surgeon has told or said, that such operations are not desirable and that after them there are unpleasant consequences and has offered transplantation of a fatty tissue.
I do not understand how much or as far as it it can be effective, if anticnemions very thin (muscles on an internal surface of an anticnemion are not developed absolutely not), and I am not the full person. Can vrach it is simple does not own operation on the equipment or installation of implants and consequently does or makes such offers? And more, tell or say please, implants are established or installed on all lives or them it will be necessary udaljat after a while

15.11.2005, 11:54
Hello, Galina.
There are some techniques of change of the form of anticnemions. For each kind of operative treatment concrete indications and contraindications are certain. For the operations listed by you as there are concrete indications.
Operation lipofillinga is less travmatichnoj and, technically, less complex or difficult, but for performance of the given operation the certain quantity or amount (depends on volume of correction) hypodermic fatty tissue is necessary. Not seldom at the given technique repeated correcting or adjusting operations are required.
Operation endoprotezirovanija anticnemions silikonovymi implantami, is more complex or difficult, but allows (at correct performance) for one operation to achieve desirable result and full symmetry. Implanty at correctly executed operation and keeping of references of the doctor in the postoperative period replacement within 10-20 years do not demand.
Exist, as orthopedic techniques of change of the form and lengths of anticnemions, but at the given operation the regenerative period for long time is tightened or delayed.
The surgeon on consultation should define or determine indications and contraindications for operation and, proceeding from a present situation and your wishes, together with you, to define or determine tactics of operative treatment.