Просмотр полной версии : Began to hang veki

27.07.2004, 15:45
Hello! To me 42 years. At me began to hang upper eyelids, obrazovyvajutsja cords or crimps from them, hanging approximately. How you consider or count, whether it is possible for something to make without operation and if only operation in what she consists, is how much safe and effective and where with this problem it is possible to address? Thanks.

Dr. Ross
07.08.2004, 00:17
Unfortunately, the unique effective method is a blepharoplasty. It is the simple operation not connected with high risk, giving good long-term effect. You can find the full information on my site www.plastic-surgery-ross.ru in section "veki". Operation can be executed in my clinic. To enter the name on consultation it is possible by phone 724-15-96
Yours faithfully, Dr. Ross.