Просмотр полной версии : At me such problem: recently the nose has a little warped, an end but...

27.07.2004, 06:08
At me such problem: recently the nose has a little warped, the end of a nose was strongly enough displaced to the right. I did not hit, nothing fractured. With what it can be connected and how it is corrected?

Toropov E.N. toropov@hospital119.mtu-net.ru
28.07.2004, 19:40
Dear Marina, unjustly happens nothing. As cheljustno-the facial surgeon I can assume, that the cyst reztsovogo the channel takes place or a dontogenous (dental) cyst of the top jaw, one of a forward teeth, the decent sizes, or. In our practice such deformation from cysts meets enough often. The cyst can grow bezsimptomno.

29.07.2004, 01:17
The doctor, but you have not responded, whether it is corrected and how???

Toropov E.N. toropov@hospital119.mtu-net.ru
29.07.2004, 08:38
Marina, is certainly corrected by means of operation