Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Prompt ointment (or dr. An agent), which rassasyvaet l...

23.07.2004, 11:26
The dear doctor! Prompt ointment (or dr. An agent), which rassasyvaet easy or light;mild scars on a skin (on a breast after catarrhal spots). To me 26, podrostkovj the period has passed or has taken place, but sometimes jumps out before monthly or at cold. Not furuncles, but vse-taki deep. Then there are scars. How of them will get rid in house conditions? Exists any rassasyvajushchee an agent? Thanks big for the answer.

24.07.2004, 11:00
Correct care of a skin of the face from "Dermajetics" will allow you to clear the face, protecting it or him of spots, and also reginirirujushchy a cream which will relieve you of scars. Can call and I shall inform you where it is possible preobresti. / 095/327 4476, gepas@mail. ru

24.07.2004, 17:59
Dear Galina, thanks for participation, but with the face at me all is ideal, and spots - not norm or rate of a life, and very rare or infrequent trouble. I can and otreagirovla on your offer if any more has not tried or tasted this product. Especial I in itself have not found anything. Princess of to see did not expect, but efeekta has not seen any IN GENERAL.

Rabaev G.G.
26.07.2004, 04:06
Already banal kontraktubeks.