Просмотр полной версии : gyby

08.12.2003, 20:17
Whether I would like to learn or find out probably to change the form of a mouth. I do not like my smile. If that is possible kakkakimi consequences such operation is fraught and solko approximately she can cost. In advance thanks.

Dr. Ross
30.04.2004, 23:51
The form of a mouth can be changed. For this purpose there are surgical and conservative methods. From the last is an introduction liquid gelevyh the preparations leading augmentation of labiums, to rise of angles of a mouth, vyravnivanju lines, etc. Operation is directed on more radical changes, but necessarily accompanied by occurrence undistinguished, but all the same existing postoperative scars. The risk of such procedures is insignificant. At me in clinic cost of introduction of preparations from 400 c.u., operations from 1500 c.u.
Yours faithfully, Dr. Ross