Просмотр полной версии : How to feed the child?

Mum Tanja
21.09.2006, 12:19
My daughter year and nine months, weight 10.300. Our problem that the girl very badly eats, at it or her would be not present products from which she absolutely has refused, but she eats in scanty kollichestvah. I shall give an example today: for a breakfast has eaten a floor of the banana, two thin slices of cheese and 200 yoghurt. I nebudu to list or transfer from what she have refused during the lunchtime, now five one o'clock in the evening, except for a breakfast she has eaten still 100 yoghurt and all. It turns out at us so, she with pleasure eats yoghurt, and in the evening in the morning, a cream of wheat, in its or her interval very difficultly than-or to feed. The doctor, I very much experience, it turns out, that the girl practically does not eat meat and vegetables, in any kind. To force I consider or count it is impossible, and arrangements and and fairy tales do not help or assist. Advise us, something for rising appetite, please. The doctor, one more question to you, you can advise what vitamins to us for our age?
Thanks for your attention.

14.10.2006, 22:29
All on a delivery is better for solving questions with experts in this area - doctors-.

Fibers are the core building and " hidden or latent power " a material of our organism. During digestion fibers are split by enzymes of a gastrointestinal tract on free amino acids which are soaked up in a blood and used by various cells for synthesis of specific albuminous bonds and other substrates necessary for normal vital activity.

So, for example, need or requirement for albuminous nutrition at children during intensive body height above, than at the average person of average years. The basic source of reception of fiber - foodstuff. However even on a regular basis consumed albuminous nutrition not always can fill needs or requirements of an organism for proteins properly.

As a rule, the natural foodstuff rich with fiber, contain many Adepses. Use of such products for augmentation of muscular mass can fatally affect or fatally have an effect yours health because of superfluous entering in an organism of the sated or saturated fat acids of an animal parentage. Thus the load increases sharply or is sharply enlarged for the basic " laboratory of an organism " - a liver and organs of allocation of toxic or toxiferous products of a metabolism - kidneys.

Last researches have shown, that there are 9 irreplaceable amino acids. The ninth amino acid - Histidinum - strengthens synthesis of fiber in an organism. For this reason Histidinum is added in new improved protiviti.

As replacement of meat if the child refuses to eat it or him flatly, I would offer you preparation protiviti of American company RBC.

All eleven amino acids in protiviti are acquired on 99 %, and within 20 minutes after reception of a product.

The form of release: tablets (in bank 140 pieces).

One dose: 2 tablets.

One dose contains: vitamin C (askorbil palmitat) 50 mg, a complex of amino acids of 5 mg: L-, L-lysine HCl, L-, L-arginine HCl, L-, L-Leucinum, a L-methionine, L-, L-valine, L-Histidinum HCl, L-5-.

As a vitamin complex I could advise you a product of the same company having the name " a complex 24/7 ":

The product 24/7 has been developed on the basis of researches of scientists Christopher Hillsa, Albert Zera, Whether Felpsa and Clinton Hovarda which carried out the researches having an overall aim: they studied or investigated the plants which are usually not used in nutrition, for revealing the properties giving health and longevity to the person. Owing to long-term scientific searches now people have an opportunity to receive the most valuable, natural nutrients from various products and the plants, saved by means of high technologies.

24/7 contains ingredients from 75 natural sources, 24 mikro-and macrocells and vitamins. 24/7 is:

- A full spectrum of vitamins and the mineral substances necessary for a delivery of the person
- An extract of an aloe the belief certificated on structure and cleanliness by the International scientific advice or council on an aloe
- A product rich with nutritious components - spirulina
- Powerful or Potent antioxidants and nutritious vegetative substances, including -Carotinum, vitamin C, vitamin E, a lycopene, Luteinum and astaksantin
- A natural high-grade nutritious admixture of fruit and the vegetables, containing a blueberry, brokkoli, a cranberry, grapes, cabbage ogorodnuju, a raspberry, spinach
- A wide spectrum of surprising plants: a ginseng, rodiola pink, kajensky pepper, a root of the mountaineer multifloral, garlic, a root of zinziber, zheltokoren Canadian, berries of a hawthorn, leaves of a papaya, a root red fenhelja, a dogrose, a root sarsapareli, leaves of a bearberry
- Advanced modern nanotehnologija from RBC NanoCeuticals .

Addition 24/7 enriches a diet with vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoidami, that helps or assists to support or maintain health and promotes:

- To development or manufacture ATF - our main energy source
- To rising immunity
The aloe belief and spirulina effectively support or maintain functions of immune system - to retardation of processes of ageing
The high-grade complex of natural antioxidants - cranberries, raspberries and carotenoids - will neutralize the free radicals, being originators of process of ageing
- To improvement of a status of cardiovascular system
Acidum folicum, vitamins B 6 and B12, Riboflavinum and trimetilglitsin support or maintain a normal level gomotsisteina, the major factor of health of cardiovascular system
inozitol promotes a fatty exchange in a liver and to a metabolism of a cholesterin
astaksantin supports or maintains a normal status of cellular membranes, including membranes of erythrocytes
- To improvement of activity of a brain and a status of nervous system
The choline, vitamins C and E provide normal job of a brain and nervous cells
- To strengthening opornodvigatelnogo the apparatus and a connecting tissue.
The calcium, vitamin D and magnesium provide a normal status of an osteal tissue
- To improvement of vision
The complex of citrus bioflavonoidov and Carotinum with a lycopene and astaksantinom promotes maintenance of integrity of a retina of an eye
Luteinum which is a part of the alimentary additive 24/7, is the basic component of a retina of eyes

24/7 it is recommended as the vital additive to the nutrition containing vitamins, mikro-and macrocells, and also natural admixtures of grasses, fetuses and vegetables. She is necessary for people with the lowered immunity, to the faces subject to exercise stresses and influence of harmful factors, also it is recommended for prophylaxis and acceleration of convalescence at many diseases, after the sorts or labors, the transferred or carried traumas, operative measures.

Receive additional consultation of the doctor- you can on www.bodycure.ru