Просмотр полной версии : Increase of weight udetej the first year of a life

23.12.2003, 15:22
To my son now 2 months. Was born 2940. For the first month has added 1300., for the second - 1750. I nurse only. Whether conducts it to an obesity?
At me 2 degree of augmentation of a thyroid gland, all pregnancy accepted Prenatal forte. Whether it could affect or influence failures in a thyroid gland of the child?

24.12.2003, 00:31
At your kid too a greater or big increase of weight. Or you longly hold the child at a breast (feeding should last no more than 20 minutes) or there are problems with disturbance of an exchange. Then it is necessary to show the child to the endocrinologist.
Yours faithfully T.V.Kobets

17.01.2004, 17:28
Has read through your answer and now strongly I experience.
At me the kid was born 52 and weight 4100, and in five weeks 59.1 and weight 6200. Our doctor has ignored it. How much or as far as it is bad?

19.01.2004, 00:07
The child could not grow or grow up for one month on 7 sm, and an increase of weight too greater or big. Check up weight and body height once again. Also do not hold the child at a breast too longly. The child should receive the volume of peep put to him for 20 mines.
Yours faithfully T.Kobets

19.01.2004, 01:27

Has read through your answer.
As it not strange but also is it I can to tell or say with uverenostju. Things rashchitanye on 60 to us already in prityk: (, and on arms or hand to hold tjazhelovato, and in hospital us vobshche for six-monthly have accepted. Eats minutes on 10 nebolshe. We look or appear praportsionalno on kolobka are not similar.
skazhiti pozhalusta it strongly is not normal. And what consequences can be. Can it is necessary spend inspection and at what expert?

19.01.2004, 11:20
Generally, despite of T.Kobets's forecast, at all of us it was normalized and for the third month the son has added 600 gr. What to advise I do not know. But for psychological support come on a site mama.ru, into a forum Children about one year. Well also ask the pediatrist, that he thinks of the child, in fact he it or him observes it. Svetlana.

Nana J
30.06.2004, 23:53
moi sin toze pribavil v vese za pervii mesiac - 1 400 (s 3 200 do 4 600), i 5 sm. (50 - 55). pediatr nechego ne govorit po etomu povodu. chto delat '? mozet analizi kakieto sdat '?

Not registered
22.12.2005, 01:48
Zdrastujte... To me 16 years and at me a couple of a curve teeth it otogo that I them nechistju and from that that I smoke and I eat different chips?

Not registered
22.12.2005, 01:49
Zdrastujte... To me of 16 years and at me a couple of a curve teeth (I recently) have noticed it otogo that I them nechistju and from that that I smoke and I eat different chips? Whether can iskrivljatsja a teeth in 16 years iza it or this? [

01.02.2006, 19:02
At me the child was born 4600/57, at an extract he weighed 4240 (much potreljal) now to us 2 months and we weigh 7 kg. Whether it is normal?