Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my girl of 10 years. Was ill p...

The anonym
12.11.2005, 11:30
Hello! To my girl of 10 years. Was ill almost one month ago. Red throats, a pain at a swallowing, a small rhinitis, " an ache in a body ", temperature 37, 8. Gargles, Paracetamolum were treated geksoralom, Biseptolum, at temperature 38, 5. Voobshchem as it is usual. Within a week signs of cold practically send away or have left, there was a small reddening in a throat. But the temperature remained subfebrile - 37, 3 - 37, 5. So on an extent of week. Began to give an antibiotic erythromycin. The temperature did not decrease even began to raise or increase 38, 3, and in the morning. Have handed over OAK and OAM. In rovi lymphocytes - 72, s/I - 19 (that is essential below norm or rate) are raised or increased. The divisional makes a helpless gesture, have taken a direction in institute of pediatrics. To us have appointed or nominated a blood to biochemistry, the immune status, but all this will be only in two weeks, and time goes. We do not go to school already soon month. Sechas temperature in the mornings 38, 3, evening 37, 6. And so every day. In the beginning of year we already laid in morozovskoj to hospital for the same reason. Then have found nothing. Have diagnosed - ORVI. At all this the girl feels not bad. Plays, is engaged. Only at rise in temperature up to 38 becomes flaccid. That to us to do or make. To wait for results of the analysis or nevertheless to lay down in a hospital? Prompt.