Просмотр полной версии : On shchechkah there was an eruption

30.06.2005, 12:46
To my child of 6 weeks completely on thoracal feeding, two weeks ago on shchechkah there was an eruption, the doctor has told or said what is it a diathesis has advised baths with cheredoj and Phencarolum on 5 mlg. 2 times a day. I have toughened a diet, the third day we accept tablets and week of a bath, but improvements are not present. Bolshchaja the request advise, can be eat something more effective.
Many thanks.

30.06.2005, 23:30
It is necessary to look the child, to find out the anamnesis. In any case to appoint or nominate treatment on the Internet it to discredit good schemes or plans - can not help or assist, since not all is known.