Просмотр полной версии : What for newborns smear a calendula zelyonkoj?

29.11.2004, 20:11
In advance I apologize, if the subject will seem to someone silly or unnecessary.

One of these days took away the wife and the little son from a maternity home, removed or took out them on foto-and a videocamera, has shown colleagues. Everyone ask: why at the kid a calendula zelenkoj are spread? Too it became gradually interesting to me (in day when took away, there was somehow a lack of time at doctors to ask).

Many thanks for versions / comments.

26.01.2005, 06:59
For the first time such I hear.

Smear, probably, for prophylaxis that microbes everyones have not got. A calendula at the baby soft or tverdenkie?

10.02.2005, 22:56
I congratulate on newborns or newborn!!

I never heard, that fingernails or nails smeared something.

It seems to me at you in hospital such local the phenomenon.

14.02.2005, 18:52
Oh, I too, certainly, congratulate! How have named rebjatenka?

08.03.2005, 06:03
Uh you! Mine did not smear...

But there is a version - that the child, is casual itself having scratched (they swing handles) has not brought in ranku an infection.

07.04.2005, 01:28
Thanks for congratulations

Have named Egorkoj.

The version while seems enough real. As a calendula indeed firm enough.

Thanks all for responses!

19.04.2005, 10:30
I did not smear the, but I think that because of zausenchikov, at us they is simple lohmatilis in first three nedelki

And my congratulations of %))

03.05.2005, 19:53
Has found!

Daily greasing practises some maternity homes nogtikov zelenkoj that in case of scratchs to not admit or allow an infection (http: // www.zum.ru/gera/ar01-02.htm)

Thanks, it has appeared the rights!

19.05.2005, 10:31
In a maternity home the most popular names - Egor yes George, further - Nikitas and Daniel. In a class at the senior four Egorki. Of what parents think, cheknulis on a foolish fashion

29.05.2005, 14:16
In Mariupol / Donetsk any for the last nesk. Years did not meet, and at me almost all friends (contempoparies) for the last couple of years sharply have got posterity. Nikitas, Ilya, Daniel - yes, a heap, and Egorov - any. Obviously, maskovskaja the fashion to the remote place is not has reached

Moreover, here for nats.pochve all have turned, Bogdany yes Ostapy everyones poperli jambs

01.06.2005, 23:03
Newly made daddy I congratulate =)))

Good name! To the baby and mummy of health!

Also I shall dare to recommend a useful resource materinstvo.ru, and more conference forum.materinstvo.ru (all essna on- to write)

02.06.2005, 23:10

Meanwhile read now and then semya.ru and mama.ru.

Besides has downloaded the excellent or different maintenance instruction of newborns to the address of http: // komarovskiy.com.ua/books.html (can to that it is useful)

05.06.2005, 22:18
The kind girl. Has pleased the daddy. Nda.

I congratulate on the kid! All is better instead of zelyonki on handles perchatochki to dress - precisely will not scratch lichiko. However I think you already have got this necessary subject of a wardrobe for mladenchika.

08.06.2005, 23:06
I congratulate on the successor!

I recommend the Ukrainian site http: // www.likar.info/. Pleasant people do or make it or him, is very informative.

To Cook
09.06.2005, 08:56
Calendula to kids recommend to grease with an iodine or zelenkoj

Only not an iodine. At them a skin gentle, an iodine you simply will burn it or her.

Type panatsirija - the PANARITIUM

09.06.2005, 10:50
Calendula to kids recommend to grease with an iodine or zelenkoj because they still very fragile, often are fractured, is simple for prophylaxis of the inflammations connected with fingernails or nails, type panatsirija, etc.