Просмотр полной версии : Dear, the Doctor! Very much you 5 months ask to help or assist, to the child 1, have handed over ana...

31.08.2004, 13:22
Dear, the Doctor! Very much you 5 months ask to help or assist, to the child 1, have handed over the analysis on a dysbacteriosis; Normal intestinal palochka-10* 7 Laktozonegativnaja intestinal p-ka-10* 3
Hemolitic intestinal palochka-0
Enterococci (under the attitude or relation to all flora) - 10* 3
Staphilococcus pathogenic (St. aureus) - 10* 3
protej 0
Mushrooms of sort Kandida-0
Laktobakterii 0
The child does not sleep, is constant krihtit, makes an effort, is capricious, badly eats. From a maternity home we give bifidobakterin (on 1 2 times a day), the pediatrist has appointed or nominated still Mezim-Forte (1/4. 3 times a day) and Hilak-Forte (15 kap. 3 times), and she tears last together with meal!? Malyshka on artificial feeding (on the basis of a soya, the cow fiber and lactose does not perceive), a chair 1 2 times a day (sero-brown, can be and zheltenky). Ochen-very much I worry, I know, that it is necessary to treat staf. A bacteriophage and then to sate or saturate flora of an intestine with useful bacteria. Comment please data of the above-stated analysis, and that you can recommend with a view of treatment. We live in provincial small town, and frankly to tell or say, the expert of the given structure to find difficultly enough, and "experiments" with the child to spend it would not be desirable. I very much ask you HELP or ASSIST! In advance many thanks!!

03.09.2004, 03:34
That it is possible to tell or say! I would add and in greater stepeniobratil attention to a biliation and for this purpose have carried out US research and would appoint or nominate that that cholagogue, for example nastoj rhizomes of Valeriana and would spend clearing as 1 stage of treatment of a dysbacteriosis.

Bolshakova M.A.
06.09.2004, 12:04
The staphilococcus would be a subject to treatment antistafilokokovymi a/(type of Oxacillinum). Then to use all your preparations. Predilection to constipations is caused by absence of natural feeding.

07.09.2004, 09:45
Olga, we through all this have passed or have taken place... Also I can tell or say to you from personal experience, it is not necessary to drink a pure or clean antibiotic, especially at absence bifidum and laktobaktery. It is better to spend on drink a course of a bacteriophage staphylococcal. Kanechno the bacteriophage too on the basis of an antibiotic, but nevertheless is better than an antibiotic in the pure state. Hilak try to replace lineksom, or liquid bifidumbakterinom.

10.09.2004, 00:06
DEAR MARIJA ALEKSEEVNA! Please pay once again attention to my report! Today were at the doctor, have shown analyses, on what he has recommended to us to accept only "Lineks" and "laktobakterin", having told or said, what stafilokok will pass or take place itself under influence of these bacteria???!!! I think, what without initial treatment of a staphilococcus, reception of bacteriemic or bacterial preparations is not meaningful? Very much you I ask to write what agent better and if to accept Oxacillinum specified by you, under what scheme or plan? In advance it is very grateful!

Bolshakova M.A.
12.09.2004, 11:26
Will not pass or not take place!! Will be excruciated very longly with a stomach or belly. It would most quickly and effectively be treated a/and pototom is occupied by normal flora. Consider, that pathogenic stafillokok can cause lesions of a skin, a pneumonia, otites... I do not think, that is good to live with such microbe. BUT to appoint or nominate a/, especially such small reebnku dolzhenn real, instead of the virtual doctor.

13.09.2004, 04:30
OLJA! Thanks for participation in our problem, tell or say, and under what scheme or plan the bacteriophage is accepted? Health to your kid!!

Bolshakova M.A.
14.09.2004, 23:14
It is impossible to treat such child on the Internet. Is special antistafilokokovye a/, which vozdejstvejut only on it or him.

17.09.2004, 07:20
Maria Alekseevna! I with you completely agree, but as to us to act or arrive, I already wrote, that we live in small small town, and opportunities of diagnostics too are very limited, I shall repeat, that the doctor on would wash a question in occasion of treatment a/, flatly to do or make it has forbidden. Where now to go I do not know! The panic Begins... .chto it is necessary to do or make? How to check up sensitivity to a/?

Bolshakova M.A.
17.09.2004, 20:46
The panic is not necessary in any case. If you fed the child with milk it would be possible to treat mother... What to do or make in your case? Probably, not one pediatrist is in city. Try to learn or find out opinion of other doctor.

18.09.2004, 23:08
Olechka, buy or purchase a staphylococcal bacteriophage, the scheme or plan of course of treatment is applied with a medicine, for each age is individual.