Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Synochku 1 year 4 months the Conclusion: a gait with valgustnym from...

31.08.2004, 10:38
The dear doctor! Synochku 1 year 4 months the Conclusion: a gait with valgustnym a deviation or rejection of the heels, expressed assimetrija cords or crimps on femurs and breeches, a difference in internal rotation beder, funneled or funnel deformation of 4/3 breast bones, a mesenchymal failure, SHOP-it is stable, volume of movements in norm or rate. The conclusion on rengene: on R gram osteal (on exact a word) a phase in a direct projection atsetabuljarnyj an angle on the right and at the left 19 hailstones, sheechno-a diaphyseal angle on the right and at the left 155 hailstones. Explain, please all this is more accessible and that to us to do or make. One orthopedist in due time skazalyo that we obsoljutno are healthy, another has put valgustnye stops and has told or said to do or make massage and to wear footwear, the third puts here such diagnosis. Help or assist though a few or a little;little bit to understand all this!!!

Porohnja V.S.
01.09.2004, 07:10
To respond, it is necessary to look or see a degree of a valgus deviation or rejection, a degree assimetrii and to define or determine angles of rotation. It would be necessary to look or see also x-ray films t/joints.

02.09.2004, 09:38
I so understand, what it is just necessary to examine the child personally? Today to us have told or said, that it is necessary to wear splint Vilenskogo 3 mes (from record: " Valgo-150 168. ") also that like more special treatment would not be required, but when showed a picture to other doctor - he has told or said, that does not see any "deviations or rejections". In general a vicious circle. About a breast in general anything essential have not explained " it is necessary to observe - can it will be corrected, can will worsen "! Really there is no output or exit now, in fact if in time to take any measures, then it is not necessary
To accept emergency. When was nearby 8 mes to us appointed or nominated vit D in a greater dosage - the breast was a little corrected, but further what to do or make?? He often is ill or sick bronhitom-have told or said what is it is connected. And where an output or exit? A picture to you to not show in any way (tried or tasted on the scanner - not all is visible)

Porohnja V.S.
03.09.2004, 06:32
It is necessary to examine the child and pictures. In your case to give advice or councils not probably - there is no sufficient information.

03.09.2004, 14:36
The doctor, at me still a question - ahead still target, to the doctor to not get. We have started to wear this splint - 4 days and at the kid has appeared poshchelkivanie just in hip joints. Such situation has turned out: the orthopedist has fixed time to dress this splint, but on family troubles, it or him was not then on a place. To us have simply given or remote simply this splint, tried to learn or find out from other orthopedist as though it or her to wear (except for how to remove or take out for the night - the child it is possible though sometimes without it or her to drive, for example to walk?), He has responded, that what here problema-that - have dressed or endow and wear, though, speaks, I in general at you do not see anything serious (on a picture), and all questions set to the orthopedist (it in a hospital at us so). And that orthopedist while otsutvuet. Explain though a little - can on delitanski certainly, but tell or say - cannot be such, what legs or pinches naooborot at it or him will be displaced more necessary downwards? And why to click there were legs or pinches, it is correct" or it is necessary to be guarded. We as have dressed or endow the splint, removed or took out only when sleeps and bathes. I to myself do not find a place - suddenly have not correctly made, can it is necessary was gradually??? Help or assist! And though it is a little about a thorax tell or say - all taki is any treatment or really only to observe remains. It is a pity, certainly, that on reception to you we shall not get in any way. Thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
05.09.2004, 02:07
Any fixing adaptations the doctor NECESSARILY should dress. Complications of wrong application - the Painful contracture which is worse even than a dislocation. Your fears are proved - in the splint of abduction it is necessary to do or make gradually increasing or enlarging each 2 days. And on a thorax it is necessary posmotrech to tell or say.

06.09.2004, 05:10
My God, what to us to do or make - to us it or she is better for removing or for taking off while? To the kid from it or this will not be worse - from such changes sharp? I already and cellular have found for this orthopedist - but does not respond, certainly, in vyhodnoj-and whether in general there will be he and tomorrow. With impatience I shall look forward to hearing yours. I thank once again.

07.09.2004, 07:14
Has called in the morning to the doctor - has told or said, what it is not necessary to increase or enlarge anything - and to go, and what clicks - anything such in it or this is not present (well unless so should be???). When goes - like would not deliver to the kid of work and trouble, and here when I am insolent or am ego-I swing or pump - at it or him such sound in femurs - shchelchek. In general he there was no time the doctor also has hanged up. If I yet have not bothered you - tell or say to pair or steam words in this occasion - to all of us taki to descend or go on reception (and reception at it or him for 2 weeks record forward!) or it is not necessary now time the doctor worries " has told or said "; and more tell or say to us on street it is possible to leave without the splint - valenoks it or her you will not put on or all taki he should not walk now without it or her at all? And more as often it is better to us to see a doctor for these or it 3 months? Big to you thanks for attention and your answers. Yours faithfully.

Porohnja V.S.
07.09.2004, 21:53
Fixing adaptations also apply completely to unload a joint. And you that, in the splint go? The doctor has allowed to go? A sign of "click" in a joint - an authentic attribute of a serious congenital dislocation of a femur. You accept a functional plaster bandage of months on 6 8 and any load on joints, differently there will be a physical inability. As you to be treated steel late, instead of from first days of a life. Where do you live and how call the doctor?

09.09.2004, 09:06
CHto-something I absolutely now have got confused - you suspect, what at all of us is much more serious??? Yes, we go in the splint, in the morning when I called to the doctor, has told or said, that has appeared any "pohrustyvanie" and he has responded, that " it of anything ". Has still asked, that it was not necessary for us to increase or enlarge gradually this splint or on the contrary to reduce, that with her vobshche to do or make. He has responded, that as is, and wear, that this " an angle for us omtimalnyj " the splint at us small - to mine is called. At orthopedists we were observed since a birth. I have come to 8 months (when he rose already) with the concrete complaint, that at synochka as though foot are inclined vovnutr - the orthopedist in an out-patient department has responded " that you want from the child - he still to stand should not, to go should not ", etc., even to undress it or him did not become and has written "is healthy" - we in Nizhnevartovsk live. I, certainly, have a little calmed down (thought I can exaggerate). But then has again begun to doubt. And already in Tyumen has gone again to the orthopedic center to Balezinu (the deserved doctor, etc. as to me recommended). He has already diagnosed " congenital plosko-valgustnaja deformation stop " and has given " the reference: massage, an electrical stimulation, whether footwear and already to solve the problem then operation on stops (there was 1 year 1 mes yet Egor went) will be necessary. He the truth too looked only stops. Then in N-Vartovske we have passed or have taken place a course of massage of a back, legs or foots; a course elek. Stimulations of legs or pinches. Egor only to go began more less confidently. And then we have entered the name to "following" to the orthopedist - Kochenovu - he in city is considered "one" good expert. And already at it or him all history has begun, that I earlier and wrote. And so business plainly also is not has reached or not cunning a thorax - he also is ill or sick often bronchites for 4 mes 4 times "choked" (I still why I worry, I know that can so "to run", that then business will reach a plate, there is at the girlfriend of the son a sad experience - while something was "searched" by doctors, now only operation is necessary). In general the doctor to us has told or said, that in our case " most not complex or difficult that can be, that the child will probably grow also a body itself pressure will gradually set on a place of a femur, but it is necessary to wear or defame 3 mes splints and further only fizio and massages ". It or this I, certainly, have calmed down, but this history with " putting on of the splint and crunches " - I do not know as to do or make, run all taki again on reception - why on these receptions so hardly always "to get" the necessary information. In fact it is to doctors all clearly, and to what parents! And and priem-that paid. Kstate, here series the letter about the boy of 5 years with " an osteochondrosis congenital " - so it too my senior. While here so you run on receptions and valuable time you miss for treatment! And with this doctor in an out-patient department though have legal proceedings - it valgustnoe a deviation or rejection to not see, especially with suspicion and has come. More shortly arms or hand fall from all it or this.

Porohnja V.S.
10.09.2004, 23:50
Pictures should be looked or seen.