Просмотр полной версии : People kind, respond, please. Help or assist, who than can: advice or council, de...

22.08.2004, 06:01
People kind, respond, please. Help or assist, who than can: advice or council, money, treatment (psychics, fortunetellers, hypnotists I I ask to not disturb). Addresses to you of Danilov Elena Alekseevna from city of Suzdal.
In March, 2002 at me Anastas's daughter was born. On March, 17th, 2002 there were elections. This day to me caused labors in 7 mornings and up to 18, with me, that only did not do or make, but my femurs and do not dispatch or do not deliver;have not missed (too narrow). With 18 up to 22 me have made cesarean section, the child have not shown, have told or said only, that temperaturka, the girl 3600. Heart I felt, that something not that, but nothing foretold troubles.
With the husband we lived soul in soul and cared, as could, about the child who has not born yet. I in general never drank and never in a life smoked. Every evening went on walk by all family and read to the kid of a fairy tale.
But here the destiny, for the third day has arrived the Vladimir reanimation at night and have told or said, that a status very serious - a birth trauma.
After two months of reanimation have diagnosed - a lesion of a brain and the central nervous system, and because of it or this is DTSP the serious form, a hypertonus and blindness. Where we only did not address, around refusal or speak what to treat, certainly, it is necessary, but guarantees any we do not give, or that the responsibility for all happened will not carry.
When began to treat it or her under the prescription of the Ivanovo institute of Mother and the child, I have noticed, that to sense any was not present, only a flaccidity and a dream. When hopes any does not remain, all native the husband insisted on refusal of the girl, speaking: if you for the sake of the husband will not refuse the child you do not like it or him .poskolku he one child in family, he has put a condition: either I, or she. Then wished to hide me in psihushku, but I quite healthy person, simply very much believe, that Anastas will recover.
In the proof to that I was restored in university. Business has ended with divorce, and, in some months, the husband began to live with the neigbour on the house, opposite to me. At it or her the little son 3 years grows and names its or his daddy, and it reproachs me, as Anastas does not say even several word-combinations. The girl of my husband works as the seller in the nearest shop, and if it is fair, even behind milk to the child toshno to go.
But I do not lower or omit arms or hand and I am engaged in the child himself. Eight months we went on massage to the friend, every day, after massage we took the weakening or relaxing baths, four times a year did or made paraffin ozakerit and elektrofarez. Here a fourth month I do or make massage itself on force as I can.
We with kind people and the Divine help have achieved greater or big results. Earlier she was constantly in a pose of an embryos curtailed or turned, handles bent, pressed to a breast, palchiki in cams, legs or pinches too bent in kolenkah plus a dysplasia of hip joints, besides on what did not react. About one year and two months constantly cried.
Now I describe its or her present status. To her 1 year and 10 months. She reacts to cry - starts from hum, and there where rings does not look, but listens. There is a reaction to light as though she sees shadows, but unfortunately at toys and people does not look. It was straightened (handles and legs or pinches almost direct), it is completely straightened only when stretches from a dream. Palchiki too are almost straightened, sensitivity is, but she does not take a toy. As legs or pinches can work, in hodunkah even makes a start, but, probably, to her it is very sick and as she badly sees is afraid, at once is turned off or folded and cries. She very much hudenkaja, only 9 kg 300 gr.
At me as it seems to me, does not remain neither moral, nor physical strengths. People kind, I beg you for God's sake, help or assist, than can, as except for you anybody cannot help or assist me. The daddy has died, mum on a state of health does not work, with a daughter iz-for its or her illnesses or diseases too it or her to leave it is impossible. Therefore I cannot get a job.
My income only 1100 pension on the child and 500 roubles the alimony from the husband. On this money is simply unreal to live and cure the child. I do not have scanner to finish shooting documents for acknowledgement or confirmation. I shall write - 930252 Danilovoj Elenas Alekseevny's pension certificate of 1981 of a birth on the child of the invalid since the childhood to Danilov Anastas Alekseevnu. The information or inquiry of series MSE - 013 706440.
Who can financial help or assist, I beg help or assist.
The Savings Bank of Russia. NZH 0707932 Branches of 8570 Suzdal unit, Suzdal. Bill 42307810610093300539/48. Danilov Elena Alekseevna. Universal SB the Russian Federation.
If there will be any questions, it is possible to write on the electron address of my friend: mariya_sekret@mail. ru
Who can help or assist treatment, I ask help or assist. If it is possible or probable, write course of treatment domiciliary as at me there lives the younger sister, to study in 7 class, her of only 13 years. One it or her to leave at such age very difficultly but if it is necessary, I shall throw all and I shall go to treat the child. If it is possible or probable, treatment of the child to combine with additional earnings, for example, to be the cleaner in the same hospital, only I shall be glad. On a speciality I tehnik - the biologist, know a computer. I study at university in economy, statistics, computer science as the manager. It is necessary to study 1 year up to 02.02.2005.
If somebody can help or assist operation or good consultation on vision, please help or assist, as in Vladimir put absolute blindness, but she already began to react to light and it or she has narrowings and expansions of pupils and small raskosost an eye. If free of charge cannot help or assist, write even how much is operation and consultation and where and to itself to address. I shall agree on operation only with the most minimal risk.
For early to all it is grateful.
Yours faithfully, Danilov Elena Alekseevna.

The anonym
25.08.2004, 19:43
Give the God to you success!

Marina, Moscow
26.08.2004, 18:41
CHego-mail the given address does not take something from me... Inform the address for translation or transfer by mail, please! I do not wish to go to the Savings Bank!

29.08.2004, 01:05
Lena, I shall write to you on the address of your friend

01.09.2004, 19:35
Elenushka where to make translation or transfer that he has fallen into in your personal arms or hand?

04.09.2004, 17:52
Elena, you simply clear head!!! It would be desirable low will bow to you in legs or foots. Unique advice or council which I can dat-visit or attend to you it sacred places, the main thing to believe in a recovery and then can there will be the real miracle. In fact what only illnesses or diseases do not cure: blind start to see, deaf persons to hear, lying rise. Also understand, that in your position that is not obligatory kuda-to go far, the most important with belief to come to the God, let even to the most usual temple. Suffer or bear and fasten, and we shall be prays for you and Nastenku and we shall try to help or assist even the small sum of money. Not obessudte, the we can, the we shall help or assist. And more advertize on local television and in newspapers so more people can help or assist you. Store or keep you the God!

The anonym
06.09.2004, 14:29
02 : 08 : 39

10.09.2004, 00:14
Please, address in edition of magazine "house" the Russian fund of the help 943 9135, 158 6904. Give the God of health Nastenke!