Просмотр полной версии : My daughter of 7 months, the doctor at survey has found out presence skoleoza. On R-g...

28.08.2004, 07:07
My daughter of 7 months, the doctor at survey has found out presence skoleoza. On R-gram it is certain link sided lateral polupozvonok and a dysplasia of both hip joints. The doctor has suggested snachalo to cure joints and after the child will go to treat skoleoz

Porohnja V.S.
01.09.2004, 01:43
What is " link sided lateral polupozvonok " and what such " a dysplasia of both hip joints "? Such diagnoses does not exist. Specify diagnoses. Visit or attend the children's orthopedist.

The anonym
03.09.2004, 04:05
For porohni on April, 19th 2004 21 : 27 : 32
Displasia (dis + plasis) = disturbance of development or formation of a tissue or an organ! So, that the diagnosis " a dysplasia of a hip joint " is completely competent. Here only the degree of clinical display of this underdevelopment can be raznoj-from so you of liked "predislocation", "podyviha" up to vyviha-depending on a degree of a underdevelopment of elements sustava-its or his roofs, a head of a femur!

Porohnja V.S.
04.09.2004, 18:04
Yes you will know, the dear unknown spitpoison, that in medicine is signs and diagnoses. If you were cleverer, you would understand, that a dysplasia t/a joint - a sign of such diagnoses as rentgenologicheski a unripe joint, a predislocation, a subluxation and a dislocation. And if you still obrazovannee in a children's orthopedics were, you too would know, that at dysplastic processes in t/a joint would suffer not only elements of a joint (a roof and a head), but also muscular system, nervous system and endocrine system. I am surprised, how strongly it is necessary to feel the incompetence and with what sick vanity it is necessary to live, that not one year of "mouth" my conference and with indefatigable attention to try to find in my answers (on your not prosacred view) me, ostensibly, supposed mistakes or errors. While it is not possible to you as you badly know even bases of medicine, let alone a children's orthopedics. Study, study and study, my friend - can be from you the doctor and it will turn out. The patience at you is - it is necessary to get only knowledge.

05.09.2004, 23:03
For porohija Century the colleague to your attention I the doctor travmatolog-the orthopedist and on your words I shall respond S.Dorogoj so. prochtite on closer or more attentive:
1) Traumatology and an orthopedics 1997
Management or Manual for doctors in 3 volumes, under edition of a member. Correspondent of Russian Academy of Medical Science JU G SHaposhnikova-volume 3 chapter or head 6 " potologija bottom konechnosej "
2) chapter or head 4 (str 140) " potologija a backbone "
3) the Management or Manual on an orthopedics and traumatologies 1968
Under Bogdanov F. 's edition and Bojchev.
Volume 2 Chapter or Head 8 of " Anomaly of development of a backbone "
Movshovich I. 's monography " Lateral sphenoidal or clinoid vertebra or vertebrae and polupozvonki "
That hopes enough that you vsyotaki kept a medical deontology

Porohnja V.S.
07.09.2004, 23:37
Dear Mehman. If you esteemed all that literary trash which I delete from this or thus anonymous "colleagues" would address your references to him, instead of me. And if to me there are any professional questions welcome to write to the address of larymax@aha. ru