Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Happy New Year! At me it is a lot of questions: 1) Whenever possible rasska...

31.08.2004, 16:46
Hello. Happy New Year! At me it is a lot of questions: 1) Whenever possible tell on the rachitis how much is terrible (to the child 3 months), the analysis wet on Sulkovichu-negative. The doctor has appointed or nominated 6 drops in day of Vigantolum.
2) the Analysis on a blood has shown low gemoglabin (88, 0), speak, that can be an anemia. The doctor has appointed or nominated Aktiferrin 3 times a day on 10 drops (with what it or him to dilute and when it is better to give before, up to or after meal?). What is it, how with it or this to struggle (anemia)?
3) From what age of the child it is possible to put or plant in prygunki?
In advance, many thanks.

The anonym
01.09.2004, 06:00
There is no answer.

02.09.2004, 00:17
The rachitis threatens with a wrong structure of a skull, iskriveniem bones, weak development and in general for an organism. Eat cottage cheese.
Preparations should be applied under the summary, in the same place and should it is written, than dilute and dependence on meal. From an anemia struggle any methods: rising of a hemoglobin - juice of a pomegranate (to dilute). In prygunki put or plant the child not earlier than 7 months (when he will be able to sit itself). If earlier, there will be a rachiocampsis and vonutost or convexity of ribs.

Muraveva E.M.
03.09.2004, 13:43
It completely agree with Ekaterina. Aktiferrin it is given after meal, is better with apple juice, he strengthens an absorption of iron.