Просмотр полной версии : Excess of lead transforms children into criminals

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Excess of lead in an organism can appear that reason which forces teenagers to follow the road of crimes, informs BBCNews. Influence even is enough small dose of this chemical element to cause or call aggression and behavioural problems in children, doctor Herbert Nidlman (Herbert Needleman) from University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh University) which in due time the first has established or installed communication or connection between excess of lead and depression of intelligence considers or counts.

At conference of the American Association of scientific progress (American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS) Nidlman has declared, that, undoubtedly, psychological and social factors play an appreciable role. But reduction of emissions of lead in an environment also is capable to lead to depression of criminality. Besides in opinion Nidlmana, regular monitoring a level of the maintenance or contents of lead in an organism of all children since age of 1-2 years is necessary.

The scientist has made the conclusions on the basis of studying the maintenance or contents of lead in an organism of children detained for offences. He has found out, that in bones of the arrested teenagers contains more lead, than at their legislative contempoparies.

That this serious metal renders toxic influence on a brain of the person, - is known for a long time. However doctor Nidlman approves or confirms, that influence even the smallest doses is capable to harm. *quot; lead is a poison or venom, - he speaks. *quot; He influences frontal lobes of a brain which are very important in formation oNnN??n*quot;, - the doctor emphasizes.


Influence of lead leads to serious diseases of kidneys, a liver, nervous system and other organs.


From myself I shall add what to prevent an intoxication svimtsom from an environment it is possible partially due to liquidation in an organism zhelezodefitsita:

Iron deficiency and lead poisoning are common among infants and children in many parts of the world, and often these two problems are associated. Both conditions are known to cause anemia and appear to produce a more severe form of anemia when in combination. Although the nature of their relationship is not completely elucidated, characterization of a common iron-lead transporter and epidemiological studies among children strongly suggest that iron deficiency may increase susceptibility to lead poisoning. Recent human studies suggest that high iron intake and sufficient iron stores may reduce the risk of lead poisoning.

Interactions between iron deficiency and lead poisoning: epidemiology and pathogenesis. Kwong WT, Friello P, Semba RD.

Department of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 550 North Broadway, Suite 700, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.

Sci Total Environ. 2004 Sep 1; 330 (1-3):21-37.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Vadim Valerevich!

How quantitatively to define or determine entering lead?

It is remembered in institute learned or taught, that on harmful manufactures define or determine lead in urine of the personnel. What modern methods are? Norms or rates?

This question excites me because walls of our new unit are covered by lead sheets...

01.09.2004, 19:30
And can, the problem what mummy, charging the daddy pistols lead, did not wash arms or hand and rocked to sleep detok? Or in family to kiddies allowed to play bullets?

Tanya G
01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes is not present, probably, there are also other ways of entering of lead to an organism...

And in occasion of lead - it is a lot of researches, and, probably, hygienists knowingly beat alarm...

Lead - the industrial poison or venom capable under adverse conditions to appear by the reason of a poisoning. Into an organism of the person gets mainly through organs of respiration and digestion. Leaves from an organism very slowly owing to what collects in bones, a liver and kidneys.

Tetraetilsvinets acts in natural waters in connection with use as an antidetonator in motor fuel of water vehicles, and also with a superficial drain from city territories. The given substance is characterized by high toxicity, possesses cumulative properties.

For example (on vskidku, that has appeared near at hand...):

Obshchetoksicheskoe action of high doses of serious metals on the person leads to a lesion or change of activity of the major systems of an organism: the central and peripheric nervous system, a hemopoiesis, internal secretion. Chemical contaminants selectively collect in various organs and tissues of the person. Usually they are accumulated in organs with intensive biochemical processes - in a liver, kidneys, endocrine glands. So, as a result of pollution of atmospheric air in industrial districts nonspecific bioreactions in the form of augmentation of a case rate and a mortality, depression of average life expectancy, disturbance of immune system, morphological structure of a blood, physical development of children are shown. (eagles, D.S.Ekologija and protection of biosphere at chemical pollution / Eagles., Sadovnikova, L. To, pozanovskaja, And. - the Higher school, Moscow: B.i., 2002)

Around of large thermal power stations zones of pollution by serious metals up to 10 - 20 km in diameter (Eagles, D.S.Ekologija and protection of biosphere are formed at chemical pollution / Eagles., Sadovnikova, L. To, pozanovskaja, And. - the Higher school, Moscow: B.i., 2002).

According to the literature, different toxic agents could play a role of the etiological factor 5 %-20 % of cases of an intersticial or interstitial nephritis, in 8 % - a pyelonephritis [27]. In 20 % of cases they could cause an acute renal failure [29].

High nefrotoksichnostju such metals as cadmium, Hydrargyrum, lead, chrome, an arsenic, iron, a bismuth, boron or cutter, a lithium that is connected with their ability to be deposited in parenchymatous organs, especially in cortical substance of a kidney [19,11], and possess slow deducing or removing from an organism. The period poluvyvedenija for cadmium makes more than 10 years, for lead - about 30 years, for chrome - about 1 month [19]. Influencing different sites of a nephron, metals can cause an intersticial or interstitial nephritis, -inflammatory diseases of kidneys, including glomerulopatii. So, development of a glomerulonephritis is characteristic for action of salts of Hydrargyrum and preparations of gold. The lesion of renal canaliculuses arises at early stages of an intoxication lead, cadmium, a lithium, boron or cutter, a lesion renal interstitsija - at late stages of influence of cadmium, lead, a lithium [19,21,22]. And t.d...

(M.E.Aksenova, scientific research institute of Pediatrics and children's surgery MZ the Russian Federation, Moscow

Serious metals: mechanisms nefrotoksichnosti (the Review of the literature))

01.09.2004, 19:30
Oh, Tatyana Gennadevna who would argue, that tetraetilensvinets-it is bad.. The Problem that detection of lots or plenties of this or that substance at this or that situation does not speak directly about prichinno-investigatory communication or connection.

T.e deti-criminals could live in \ ecologically more unsuccessful and so forth regions, therefore they and have followed the road of a crime and at the same time Hydrargyrum, heroin and so forth it has appeared more). Less all we condemn JOB - is simply discussed dizajn-in any job there are discrepancies, and they are discussed usually by authors. T.e the text such - yes, we have found out communication or connection of substance X with situatsie U.Etomu to the phenomenon there are pathophysiological \biochemical acknowledgement or confirmations.

At the same time our job does not cover such and such group of people... In a word, be not in earnest to a science brutally...

Tanya G
01.09.2004, 19:30
Oh, Tatyana Gennadevna who would argue, that tetraetilensvinets-it is bad.. The Problem that detection of lots or plenties of this or that substance at this or that situation does not speak directly about prichinno-investigatory communication or connection.

T.e deti-criminals could live in \ ecologically more unsuccessful and so forth regions, therefore they and have followed the road of a crime and at the same time Hydrargyrum, heroin and so forth it has appeared more). Less all we condemn JOB - is simply discussed dizajn-in any job there are discrepancies, and they are discussed usually by authors. T.e the text such - yes, we have found out communication or connection of substance X with situatsie U.Etomu to the phenomenon there are pathophysiological \biochemical acknowledgement or confirmations.

At the same time our job does not cover such and such group of people... In a word, be not in earnest to a science brutally...

Galina Afanasevna, agrees with you... Something not so in communication or connection of children-criminals and presence of lead around... Design not that, it agree...

By the way, my husband, the artist-designer of the book, firstly strained, when I about design of researches spoke (as have got on a forum so to this concept I concern more seriously), have now got used, have ceased to strain...:)

By the way, you have paid attention what any more I do not connect or I bind pathology SHCHZH with EKOPATOGENAMI?:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has turned...

But a problem that by inhuman efforts we (the person five have taken part or have participated in job) managed to overpersuade you odnu-and followers of the concept *quot; All from a bionomics, and hygienists beat OONouO*quot; successfully are going to and talk on these exciting subjects at the slightest pretext - burning I shall break through an electricity on parties on protection of an environment.

For some reason it seems to me, that residing at a boiler-house since the early childhood will lead to greater accumulation in bones of lead and greater probability of hit in prison, and residing at the latch will reduce both these probabilities (no less than will change a spectrum of possible or probable offences).

The basic problem *quot; beating OONouO*quot; - the uttermost \ \ impossibility to organize BUSINESS on liquidation of a source of beat of alarms.

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Sergey Aleksandrovich!

More in detail about an intoxication by lead and ways of diagnostics and prophylaxis it is stated in:

CMAJ. 2002 May 14; 166 (10):1287-92.

Identifying and managing adverse environmental health effects: 3. Lead exposure.

Sanborn MD, Abelsohn A, Campbell M, Weir E.

Which full text is here:

http: // www.cmaj.ca/cgi/content/full/166/10/1287

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Continuing an estimation metalloionnyh perturbations and the remote behavioural consequences, I shall result or bring job in which iron deficiency children from first years of a life were observed within more than 10 years and in (pre) teenage age their behavioural and ideational or cogitative functions were estimated or appreciated:

Children who had severe, chronic iron deficiency in infancy scored lower on measures of mental and motor functioning. After control for background factors, differences remained statistically significant in arithmetic achievement and written expression, motor functioning, and some specific cognitive processes (spatial memory, selective recall, and tachistoscopic threshold). More of the formerly iron-deficient children had repeated a grade and/or been referred for special services or tutoring. Their parents and teachers rated their behavior as more problematic in several areas, agreeing in increased concerns about anxiety/depression, social problems, and attention problems.

Pediatrics. 2000 Apr; 105 (4):E51.

Poorer behavioral and developmental outcome more than 10 years after treatment for iron deficiency in infancy.

Lozoff B, Jimenez E, Hagen J, Mollen E, Wolf AW.

http: // pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/105/4/e51

Certainly, all criminals did not become (had not time to become?), but they had socially/behavioural problems, not speaking already about mental faculties, after the amendment on background is more often.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hm... And how other factors which can promote deviantnomu to behaviour were investigated or researched in the resulted or brought research? For example: not adaptive behaviour of parent pair, emotional deprivatsija, disfunktsionalnaja family system? I here can has not noticed, but differentiations was not spent... And in medium of children who have not got in sight of law enforcement bodies, by what criteria selection of candidates for control group was spent? And how much among children who are not having raised or increased lead in bones, how much deviantnyh? And among children with the raised or increased lead how much adaptive?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And with iodnym deficiency (on an example of children with a resistance to tiroidnym to hormones greater or big frequency with-mA unstable \ is shown to hyperactivity with an outcome in deviantnoe behaviour.... (I do not say lies, already wrote about etom-but also I do not bear or I take out on the front page of newspapers though at performances or statements in the corridors of power with a severe kind I inform - Grigory Anatolevich will confirm).

01.09.2004, 19:30

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Precisely, dear Galina Afanasevna, about it or this and other factors Englishmen wrote also:

Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1997; 28 Suppl 2:50-68.

Nutritional deficiencies and subsequent effects on mental and behavioral development in children.

Grantham-McGregor SM, Fernald LC.

Centre for International Child Health, Institute of Child Health, London, UK.

Nutritional deficiencies at all stages of growth, both pre-and post-natal, can affect a child's physical, mental and behavioral development. In this paper, we review literature about how mental development is affected by the following nutritional conditions: low birth weight, mild, moderate, and severe protein-energy malnutrition, iodine deficiency, and iron deficiency.

On lead problems, the greater attention of can, nowadays that at children with its or his excess in a blood purpose or appointment of chelated therapy is not reflected in any way in the subsequent nejrofunktsionalnom development:

... regimen of chelation therapy is not associated with neurodevelopmental benefits in children with blood lead levels between 20 and 44 microg/dL (0.96-2.17 micromol/L). These results emphasize the importance of taking environmental measures to prevent exposure to lead...

Pediatrics. 2004 Jul; 114 (1):19-26. Effect of chelation therapy on the neuropsychological and behavioral development of lead-exposed children after school entry.

Dietrich KN, et al., Treatment of Lead-Exposed Children Clinical Trial Group.

Here also the horror story about general transformation of children into criminals is born or taken out at excess of lead on the front pages...

Dr. Vad
01.09.2004, 19:30
Shortage of an iodine at mother does or makes children hyperactive.

The Italian scientists from University of Messina (University of Messina) to Sicily recommend to spend mass inspections of function of a thyroid gland at women on early durations of gestation, informs Reuters. On their data, the disadvantage of an iodine of an organism of the pregnant woman can promote a syndrome of deficiency of attention with hyperactivity at children (SDVG).

During research of scientists within 10 years observed 16 children living to Sicily (Sicily) where deficiency of an iodine and the status connected with it or him - gipotireoidizm - meets very much often. In control group there were children from district where it is enough an iodine.

From Sicily it was found out in 11 children SDVG and rather low level IQ whereas any child from control group this frustration did not suffer. At mothers of 7 children from the Sicilian group in the beginning of pregnancy it was observed gipotireoidizm.

The principal of research doctor Franchesko Vermiglio (Francesco Vermiglio) has noted, that deficiency of an iodine can arise at the pregnant woman even if with its or his nutrition acts enough. It or this he proves necessity of inspection of women on early durations of gestation gipotireoidizm.

ADHD Linked to Mom's Iodine Levels - Reuters, 17.01.2005