
Просмотр полной версии : Question on a delivery

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello. I heard, that perepelinye it is more useful than an egg chicken. Whether it is possible to give them to the child (1 and 2 mes), in what quantities or amounts, how much once a week and how them to give - only a yolk or it is possible together with fiber?:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Key rule of a children's delivery - to give only that, in high quality and to necessity of that uvaeren on 100 %.

Concerning perepelinnyh at me personally such confidence is not present eggs.

You wish to solve any concrete problem with their help or simply there is a desire to give or allow the child *quot; most ?O??NN*quot;?

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, certainly, it would be desirable to give the child the best. In one telecast (it seems *quot; Y?NOO??a*quot;) perepelinye eggs compared with chicken and as I have understood, they are more useful and less often cause an allergy.:o

01.09.2004, 19:30
And at your child is there was) an allergy?

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
And at your child is there was) an allergy?

At it or her a local dermatitis (on the handle), but I do not know than he is caused or called.:o

01.09.2004, 19:30
At it or her a local dermatitis (on the handle), but I do not know than he is caused or called.:o

On one handle?

Describe it or him more in detail

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
On the left brush a red rough skin - around of a joint, completely the big and index fingers and above small joints of other fingers. The diagnosis has put the dermatologist - survey of 2 mines, ointment with a papaverine is appointed or nominated, but she does not help or assist, more to the doctor did not go.

I do not know as more precisely to describe, but I can make a picture and send.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If there is an opportunity - send!

ol-ak@yandex.ru or lay out here

What diagnosis has put the dermatologist?

How for a long time there was an eruption?

Whether there is an itch?

Ointment with a papaverine to me is unknown, though certainly I cannot know all... If its or her name is possible

In occasion of perepelinnyh - especially it is not necessary to give eggs while the child is not healthy. New products are desirable for entering only on a background of full health.

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30

Structure of ointment (did or made in a drugstore under the prescription)

papaverini 2.0


Aq. destill-aa 25.0

lanolini 50.0

The diagnosis - a local dermatitis. The itch is, the eruption has appeared about 3 months ago.

The picture is not attached (great volume), I shall try or taste once again.

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
C has sent on ol-ak@yandex.ru

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Natalia!

Now, how much or as far as I have understood, you do not use that ointment? That is do not process the amazed or struck skin anything?

Whether was at the child of a mechanical, thermal or chemical trauma of a brush or in general the top extremity in any department?

Whether correctly I have understood from a photo what the fingernail of the big finger is amazed or struck?

Whether movements of fingers of the left brush (by 1-st and 2-nd) are completely saved?

How the eruption began? At once there has come or stepped a lesion of all skin involved now or she *quot; Oa???a?a?y*quot; from any place?

I wait for your answers

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30

I do not use that ointment, sometimes I smear with a children's cream or a cream *quot; a??Oa?*quot;. Traumas were not, but it or she was scratched by a cat. The fingernail on the big finger is more thin than others and any soft. Movements of fingers like are saved. The eruption has begun with the big finger and gradually *quot; Oa????a?y*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The eruption has begun with the big finger and gradually *quot; Oa????a?y*quot;.

Specify, whether the eruption from a fingernail has begun?

The cat scratched everywhere or only in this place?

While my opinion - once again to descend or go to the dermatologist, (it is desirable-children's!) and to discuss with it or him an opportunity of a mycosis (mycotic affection)

Whether child ORVI often is ill or sick?

Whether it is developed according to age (specify weight, body height, quantity or amount of a teeth)?

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello. I precisely do not remember from a fingernail or not, like at once all finger have reddened. The cat scratched in different places. ORVI hurted or was ill;was sick 2-3 times, once with a heat (in March). Weight a year of 9,5 kg, body height 76, 8 teeth, now (12) weight and body height I do not know, a teeth - are cut 4 radical.

01.09.2004, 19:30
That is it is similar in the rest the child it is healthy.

Well, it once again confirms, that the dermatologist is necessary

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30