Просмотр полной версии : The girl 1997 r. In July to her there will be 6 years, however body height at it or her of 102 sm and in...

28.08.2004, 03:49
The girl 1997 r. In July to her there will be 6 years, however body height at it or her of 102 sm and weight of 15 kg. Have handed over analysis STG and TTG. Results of analysis STG 0, 14 ng/ml, TTG 2, 57 mk ME/ml. What mean yielded results? predvaritelnoej have diagnosed samotagennyj sub. nanizm. What is it such and how to be treated. Thanks.

Krivskaja L.K.
29.08.2004, 00:27
Put to you diagnoz-the general or common words under which it is possible to have in view of any disease, mezhajushchee to normal body height. What osteal age of the child?

29.08.2004, 09:13
Good afternoon Lydia Konstantinovna! Osteal vozrost Sonechki corresponds or meets for 5, 8 years. But on a kind to her you will not give more than 3 years. She was born 56 see 3600 kg. Till two years grew normally. But in two years has lost consciousness in sadike, has fallen, has strongly hit a head. And prestala to grow. Grows but no more than 3 see in a year more correctly. Can it is necessary pass or take place any inspection or still or even hand over what that analyses. Intelektualno she is very developed, but iz-for body height she already kompeksuet. Tutors in every possible way emphasize it or her nizkoroslost.

30.08.2004, 04:10
Good afternoon Lydia Konstantinovna! Osteal vozrost Sonechki corresponds or meets for 5, 8 years. But on a kind to her you will not give more than 3 years. She was born 56 see 3600 kg. Till two years grew normally. But in two years has lost consciousness in sadike, has fallen, has strongly hit a head. And prestala to grow. Grows but no more than 3 see in a year more correctly. Can it is necessary pass or take place any inspection or still or even hand over what that analyses. Intelektualno she is very developed, but iz-for body height she already kompeksuet. Tutors in every possible way emphasize it or her nizkoroslost.

Krivskaja L.K.
30.08.2004, 11:04
Dear Alla, at endocrine changes (first of all, deficiency of a hormone of body height) it is obligatory! There will be a backlog of osteal age that at your girl it is not marked or celebrated. (though happens, that simply roentgenogram rasshifrovanna it is incorrect) the Word of honour, I do not know, what is it can be. I to you recommend to address in the Endocrinologic or Endocrinology Centre of science in Moscow (m. Academic) and to be surveyed there. Therefore as rates of body height of 3 sm a year are smallest. Even if they cannot reveal the endocrine reason, to you will tell or say what to do or make further. And more, in my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to seem genetics to exclude any genetic syndrome (for certain it is impossible to be assured or confident, that a growth inhibition has provoked falling).

01.09.2004, 00:45
Hello Lydia Konstantinovna!
Have made Sonechke a picture cherpa. A turkish saddle. The diagnosis have written. gipertenzionnyj a syndrome. What means the given diagnosis?

Krivskaja L.K.
01.09.2004, 10:20
It govorpit that intracranial pressure (VCHD) is raised or increased. But only on a roentgen to judge it or this nelzja-the clinic (headaches, mainly in the morning, a nausea and a vomiting bringing simplification) is important. If it or this is not present, it still a question, whether there is rising VCHD. Besides it is obligatory at suspicion on VCHD look eye dno-ladies there should be specific changes of vessels. So descend or go to the oculist and develop or dispell the doubts.