Просмотр полной версии : Hello the dear doctor! To my son in 1 6 months it has been made at...

29.08.2004, 13:33
Hello the dear doctor! To my son in 1 6 months inoculation AKDS, for the second day after an inoculation at it or him on a loin has been made, in knee and ulnar folds there was an eczema which he constantly combed. Now to him 5 years and as he only will sweat he comb the same places. The dermatologist has diagnosed A-typical dermit. Respond please what is it such and whether it is possible to cure it or only to muffle?

Albanova V.I.
29.08.2004, 23:39
The diagnosis - atopichesky a dermatitis. CHRONIC disease of a skin of an allergic parentage. It is important to define or determine allergens (it is possible to hand over a blood), to keep a rigid diet, to exclude a dust in the house, carpets, smoking. To cure it is possible.