Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I wish to consult. To my girl 2, 5 years. The last...

It is given
27.08.2004, 11:15
Hello, I wish to consult. To my girl 2, 5 years. Last 2 weeks became began to stammer, but mum, ssssjadu, etc. repeats only the first bukvy-m-m-. It seems to me, that she simply plays about, because when ask it or her to repeat pravilno-she speaks well. As to me to be - to ignore simply and itself will cease or constantly to ask to repeat,

Agashkina O.M.
29.08.2004, 00:37
It is given, here it is necessary to be close or attentive! Well listen to speech of the child if the child with visible effort as though "pushes" any sound or a combination of sounds, t. e halts, appear as a result of the intense pronouncing a sound or a sound combination it is the serious form of disturbance - in this case to consult internally at the neuropathologist or the logopedist better. Still distinguish halts of not convulsive character (physiological iterations), they are characteristic for the certain period, t. e. During active formation children of phrase speech (2 5 years) If do not have complication, these are repetitions pass or take place, as soon as the child gets sufficient confidence of expression of the ideas by speech with strengthening speech conditioned reflexes. Physiological povtorenija-this consequence or investigation of that development of thinking advances development of its or his speech opportunities. Therefore at this stage a similar status of speech javl. Natural. During this period try to avoid various psihotravmirujushchih situations, various tjazh. Diseases: kor, a rachitis, kokljush, worms, illnesses or diseases nosoglotki-exhaust nervous sitemu and oslabljajuttsentralnye apparatus of speech; keep a regimen of day. Successes!

29.08.2004, 08:37
It is given, hello! To the previous advice or council of the logopedist I can add, that at present certainly it is necessary to be close or attentive to speech malyshki. But here to ask " to speak correctly " probably it is not necessary. You have specified that " she can be plays about ", but does not play about more likely, and searches for a way of the reference or manipulation of attention to. Wish to avoid they be do not fix such habit of the child. Simply react on good and correctly told or said word. So you dadide to understand, THAT it is pleasant to you. To parents which kiddies stammer, I always specify, that it is necessary to emphasize correctness of speech, instead of a mistake or an error. And here as to neposredstvnno speeches... Observe, what voice you speak with the child to whom he responds you. In what rate usually talk... It is interesting. Read more fairy tales, and read! In fairy tales tremendous rhythms of speech are hidden or latent! Peresskazyvaja a fairy tale you can deform or distort them not much. And in development of speech of the child these mysterious rhythms and their formation play very much a greater or big role. And in general, the tone, the tempo of speech, talking to the child, you very much even "will prompt" him tone and rate of conversation with you. Therefore observe! Remember about vitamins which now are very necessary to an organism. Write, if there will be questions. Logopedic health to your kid!