Просмотр полной версии : Several weeks ago I have written to you about strannoi Reactions which has arisen...

OLGA *****
28.08.2004, 11:08
Several weeks ago I have written to you about strannoi Reactions which has arisen at my son (11 years) on stafilokokkovoi bakterifag (diarrhea and a strong vomiting)

The gastroenterologist in out-patient department Semashko has told or said, what is it probably from soda (in the instruction to it or this lek-vu it is told or said, that all over again it is necessary natoshak to drink a solution of soda)

Prompt, pozhaluista, whether it is possible to use without soda it lek-in?
I wish eshe times it or him to try or taste...

29.08.2004, 07:12
It is possible. But reaction, most likely, will be the same. Soda is drunk for neutralization of acidity of a gastric juice that the bacteriophage was not lost in a stomach. Diarrhea from soda usually does not arise.