Просмотр полной версии : To the son 2 8 months. Already in current 1, 5 months the son wakes up every night...

25.08.2004, 12:36
To the son 2 8 months. Already in current 1, 5 months the son wakes up every night and cries. I begin it or him uspokaevat, and he not waking up speaks about all the experiences occured or happened on the eve in the afternoon. Whether it is necessary to worry in this occasion or it will pass or take place?

Pisarenko N.A.
25.08.2004, 17:48
Will pass or take place.

26.08.2004, 20:18
Dear Jeanne, at mine syno was tro most, only in 5 years, he woke up almost every night at a time and cried, could that that to speak, then at once fell asleep, we have spent analysis EEG, the doctor has diagnosed episindrom, we drink a preparation and at all of us was adjusted. Sdelaje analysis EEG, OR ADDRESS With THIS QUESTION To the CHILDREN'S NEUROLOGIST, but do not disregard!

28.08.2004, 10:30
Many thanks for advice or council a bird. Decipher that means EEG and as it or him do or make t. To. The child madly bojtsja doctors, even to a building to a children's out-patient department we go with cries.