Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The dear doctor, very much I ask you to help or assist us correctly postup...

27.08.2004, 03:45
Hello! The dear doctor, very much I ask you to help or assist us correctly to enter very delicate situation (if it is possible so to be expressed). To my son now 3 months. At it or him the hypospadias, and is necessary to him operation. I know about it or this only and the husband. At the husband mother very much not sderzhanna on tongue, however, the father - too. If they about it or this learn or find out - will know all our small small town (it precisely therefore as they always tell about the family all details: who than more and who as is treated. We already very much for a long time hide from them a status of ours with the husband of health). The most important that I very much worry that the boy did not have a complex in occasion of this pathology. Same vsyo-taki not ears of patients, and not on them operation... And children, they severe enough if who will know - on it or him a finger will show. Operation should pass or take place in Moscow, time it will borrow or occupy month. I at all do not represent as it is possible to hide it from my fathers-in-law. How to me to save my boy from spiritual wounds at later age? I even would like, that he would not know, that at it or him it was (specially operation have agreed to make till the moment of a self-consciousness). I very much ask you, advise me something. Relatives who could "cover" us with the husband (to tell or say, that to them have gone for a month) at us are not present. I simply do not know what to do or make. Day without a break I think of it or this. I shall be very grateful to you for the answer. Thanks.

The anonym
27.08.2004, 17:02
I not the doctor certainly, but can also advice or councils of simple people, parents will help or assist? Has now read through info about your problem, and it agree with you, what is it it is necessary to hide from strangers, nikchemu it is the nobility to another's surrounding people! Children all almost grow with the problems, while them vyrostish... And so I on your place would think up any other problem for relatives, we shall admit or allow the same EARS it is necessary to check up in Moscow, direct or refer you there with EARS, here start up and your fathers-in-law ushki discuss the kid. Successful operation and the prompt zabyvanija this problem to you and your kid.

28.08.2004, 05:15
Can tell or say, that go to Moscow to me.
Everything, that is necessary for "covering", I shall make.
Write dj_29@mail. ru