Просмотр полной версии : To the child of 3 weeks. Since a birth it is independent not kakaet. Did or made clysters, drank or saw...

25.08.2004, 11:57
To the child of 3 weeks. Since a birth it is independent not kakaet. Did or made clysters, drank or saw laktobakterin, smektu. Analyses according to doctors normal. The result is not present. What delat-that?

26.08.2004, 14:22
If he at you on thoracal feeding that consult at the children's surgeon. If is not present - change an admixture on "Frisovom" for example or something similar. Though at some kids the chair can be not every day!? And it basically is not considered a pathology. If your kid is not disturbed with a tummy try to wait 1 day... .mozhet he will be going to kakat. If and next day the chair is not present, do or make a clyster. Do or make massage of a tummy... .ostorozhno and only clockwise.

27.08.2004, 01:52
This frequent phenomenon, especially if yours malysh-the boy. At us was too most, kakal only through the cut off clyster, type of a colonic tube, t. To. Usual water the doctor to us did not recommend to put often t. To. The microflora of an intestine is washed away. In 2 months all by itself was normalized also the same history at all my friends at whom thoracal detki. Mine sovet-time all analyses by way of simple to suffer. If it or him excruciates zhivotik-cannot pukat itself it is possible to give Espumizan.

28.08.2004, 05:11
NECESSARILY consult at the children's surgeon for a congenital pathology GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Sometimes such sign forms the basis for an operative measure. And the more likely, the better.