Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist pozhajlusta advice or council and who can experience. To the child 1, 5 years. It is imparted or vaccinated...

26.08.2004, 22:00
Help or Assist pozhajlusta advice or council and who can experience. To the child 1, 5 years. It is imparted or vaccinated in 4 mes AKDS + poliomelit. Then 1 year of fixing or lingering illness or disease. Now a stage of convalescence. For the decision of a question about prirvivkah has started to go on doctors:
1) in institute of an immunology after the analysis on the immune status recommended ADS + immovaks polio. The analysis on the bottom borders of norm or rate.
2) in usual out-patient departments have recommended AKDS + immovaks polio, potomchto pertussoid privika too dead
3) in the regional immunologic center have told or said that it is possible to do or make ordinary inoculations motivating it is that immovaks polio takes root or is inoculated only on TSNS
4) In the Center of health of the child on Leninsk have offered French inoculation Tetrakot.
Who is right? How to be solved? Help or assist

27.08.2004, 11:07
Immunologists concern to inoculations, than pediatrists, therapists more cautiously. They have advised you to not do or make a pertussoid inoculation because it is most reaktogennaja a vaccine (most often others causes reactions and oslozhenenija). Immovaks polio most likely inaktivirovannoe polio, a nyxis, instead of drops. At alive polio vaccines are small risk of disease polio and even a paralysis, especially when immunity is weakened or easied. At inektsionnoj such problems are not present, she is more safe. Tetrakok is AKDS + inektsionnoe polio. To you nothing prevents to impart from polio inektsionnoj a vaccine, as to a pertussoid vaccine, you should make a decision.