Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To my child 7, 5 years, the boy. Problems with a chair. Prompt...

23.08.2004, 05:46
Hello. To my child 7, 5 years, the boy. Problems with a chair. Prompt to itself to address. During 2 h months he goes to a toilet not more often than once a week and it at a normal delivery. First 2 times did or made a clyster, then went itself, but under greater or big pressure for my part (a feces of the extreme sizes). Simple arrangements do not help or assist - he speaks, that does not want. No laxatives too help or assist also the spoon of vegetable oil since morning too does not help or assist, a feces firm. Today since morning on road to school has asked - whether the stomach or belly hurts it or him, has responded - yes, often, - but why you then even in a toilet do not come to sit? - well .molchanie. Before in general responded, that nothing hurts. Have made US, like all by way of, but all intestine is hammered. What to us to do or make? To what expert to us to address and in what clinic?

Filimonenko A.I.
23.08.2004, 20:02
It is necessary will address first of all to the proctologist, for exception of a pathology of a thick intestine (the most frequent reason of chronic constipations. In Moscow it can be made having addressed, for example, in an advisory out-patient department at Filatovskoj to hospital.

24.08.2004, 07:15
The wife today has told or said, that was on US (ned back) in pol-ke in a place like any pathology have not found out
Have put diagnoses: nervno-reflex diskeneziju and gastroduodenit? What does it mean? Have registered valerjanku and Festalum, but..... All on former. Month 3 4 child visits or attends pool 3 times a week. I in rasterennosti......

Nogovitsyn V.J.
25.08.2004, 22:05
Not it is necessary to do or make US, and a roentgen with a contrast agent (barium). I join the remark d-ra Filimonenko - at an opportunity seem in Filatovskoj to hospital, there in it or this are engaged. If you not muscovites - then the information at me has not enough, but the basic moments here are shined or covered.