Просмотр полной версии : My niece whom 8 months, weigh less on 1100 gram, than should in...

24.08.2004, 05:34
My niece whom 8 months, weigh less on 1100 gram, than should weigh. Pediatrists diagnose - perenatalnaja entselafotija. How it or her to treat? Than it threatens?
Please respond. In advance thanks

24.08.2004, 14:20
Madam Galija, peritanalnaja an encephalopathy is consequence or investigation of a hypoxia of a fetus and, more often, asphyxias of the newborn. Possible or probable prompt or impetuous labors take place here. Usually, the encephalopathy is shown by nothing, probably, the child is a little perevozbuzhden and at it or him appetite is lowered. I do not know, what clinical displays take place at your niece, but usually such children at all do not put on the account. The child simply passes or takes place all period on group of risk. And treatments in your case, it is not required.