Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I wrote to you in December, at my daughter (10 mes) have started to shiver...

21.08.2004, 08:33
Hello. I wrote to you in December, at my daughter (10 mes) have started to shiver right zrachek, at us the diagnosis - a convulsive syndrome. We went to Krasnoyarsk. Have passed or have taken place EHOEG - a hypertensia insignificant, a pulsation of 25 30 %, EEG - the threshold of convulsive readiness, epileptiform changes in back departments is considerably lowered. What does it mean to me and have not explained. On MRT under a narcosis of organic changes in a brain it is not revealed. Have appointed or nominated Depakinum on 100 ml two times. Why at us nobody could understand a vertical nystagmus of the right eye. Have told or said to arrive through a floor of year. It began seems to me zrachek to shiver less, but there was a strabismus, now what to do or make I do not know. Prompt, please. Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
24.08.2004, 11:19
I start to swear, as it is usual. EhoEG at once in a garbage can, this research it is useless absolutely (especially at presence MRT - simply not clearly what for it is made). EEG it is described disgustingly. At an opportunity scan, make a file up to 300 KB and send me for check. That is on MRT to tell or say without pictures it is impossible, but similar signs are always suspicious on presence of volumetric education in a brain, therefore probably it is necessary to approach or suit with pictures to neurosurgeons.