Просмотр полной версии : To the girl 1 year of 10 months. Inspection REG and EEG has been spent. REG: prizn...

20.08.2004, 03:25
To the girl 1 year of 10 months. Inspection REG and EEG has been spent. REG: attributes vyrazhenogo depression krovenapolnenija, difficulty of venous outflow with prevalence in pool pozvonochnyh arteries. EEG: on a background of the moderate diffusive or diffuse changes attributes of dysfunction stvolovyh structures or frames are recorded. The NEUROPATHOLOGIST has appointed or nominated treatment: Pantogamum t 0, 25 1/2* 3 in day, Glitsin 1/2* 3 r in day, TSinnarezin 1/2* 3 r in day + massage and el/forez with a neostigmine methylsulfate. Whether treatment is correctly appointed or nominated? Whether probably all this to restore?

Nogovitsyn V.J.
20.08.2004, 21:22
It is senseless to guess according to inspection without the child. Especially to estimate or appreciate correctness of the doctor.

22.08.2004, 08:45
Your answer is absolutely not clear: there are results of inspection, and the child. If you the doctor, tell or say the given medicines can solve the given problems? Or consultation at other neuropathologist is necessary

Kushel J.V.
23.08.2004, 09:51
I shall dare to clear a situation for Svetlana without the permission of Vasily Jurevicha:
1) It is desirable to replace some tone (" If you the doctor..., etc.)
2) because VJU the doctor, he does not appoint or nominate and does not make comments on concrete treatment without the patient
3) the researches Resulted or Brought by you (REG and EEG) possess the LOWEST BOTH SENSITIVITY, AND SPECIFICITY that does not allow to do or make only on the basis of them any conclusions
4) to prompt you, that can solve a problem of your child, it is necessary to know these problems. A problem are more often COMPLAINTS of the PATIENT, instead of results of tool researches

Nogovitsyn V.J.
24.08.2004, 08:36
100 % it agree with. Svetlana, even the car it is impossible to repair Century only according to tool tests, and here the person, alive.