Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor. To my son almost 5 years. Already the second year, since May...

20.08.2004, 20:30
Hello the Doctor. To my son almost 5 years. A second year, since May and all the summer long at it or him tussis such, kak-as if he has slightly choked with a saliva. Sometimes in the mornings easy or light;mild hoarseness of respiration and zalozhennost a nose, but soplej as a rule is not present. Since the childhood he allergik (after a maternity home were treated for a staphilococcus), the put diagnoses: a dysbacteriosis, otopichesky a dermatitis, an obstructive bronchitis (in the past to year hurted or was ill;was sick often as the first year was in a garden and very difficultly got used). In it or this to year only two times hurted or was ill;was sick and with pleasure goes to a garden. Antibiotics to him never in a life gave and do not recommend. More increasing or more and more immunostimuljatory, but did not go to far. Sometimes it is necessary to give antiallergennyee preparations (Klaritin, Zirtek).
I do not like tablets and to the son I try to not give, only in unusual cases. In a stage of a dry bronchitis applied grassy broths and a syrup of a plantain. Together with it or this srannym tussis also the second year successively at the son, so to say, geographical tongue (pink specks). In the past to year I gave week to him Lineks and in due course tongue became normal (there can be a concurrence). In it or this to year again: both this tussis and geographical tongue. What is it? the Intestine (a dysbacteriosis, any infection), an allergy, adenoides (the son sometimes snores such impression that the nasopharynx has swelled up a little, at night) or still something that I do not know. Our regional pediatrist cannot respond with accuracy also as well as the immunologist and all other doctors of our out-patient department. Analyses normal, anyway doctors on what do not pay special attention.
And in general, at each of them absolutely opposite opinions and methods of treatment. I do not trust them.
Whether there can be this tussis the first call of an asthma?
And how it is possible to normalize job of an intestine?
Thankful in advance.

The doctor
21.08.2004, 09:36
It can be display of an asthma, however you should find the children's doctor to whom you will trust. He also should observe your child.

21.08.2004, 13:37
But where to find such doctor? And why in the winter it or he does not have such tussis, there can be it an allergy on flower pollen or a city dust? He does not choke. And tussis at it or him basically at night.

Babaev V.K.
22.08.2004, 15:58
Opportunity of development of an asthma of yours rebnyoka very high, on while this tussis is not similar on asthmatic. Opisynnaye you signs have, most possibly, an allergic parentage. To help or assist you, I need to know following analyses: the general or common analysis of a blood (with the developed or unwrapped leukogram), the analysis makroty (the general or common + spirals Kurshmana and crystals SHarko-of Leiden), the analysis of a feces on a dysbacteriosis, an immunogram (parity or ratio T-helpery/T-supressory is obligatory posomtret T-supressory, immunoglobulins And and). CHen I recommend to make the developed or unwrapped immunogram (expensively, but it of that costs or stands).

24.08.2004, 01:47
The dear doctor, and you will not advise, where it is possible to make an immunogram and the analysis of a sputum. In our out-patient department such do not do or make.