Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To our child without a week 3 months. With 3 till 6 weeks laid in...

21.08.2004, 23:53
Hello. To our child without a week 3 months. With 3 till 6 weeks laid in hospital with an icterus, at this time would prick antibiotics that has begun to live a belly-button. Ate only thoracal milk. To an extract strong colics have begun, the child shouted not ceasing, have found out laktaznuju a failure, and from that time for 50 % we feed with admixture L110 (without lactose) Up to 2 h months was it's OK, but then the child began to empty very badly an intestine. Constantly makes an effort, makes an effort, and starts to cry. Sometimes it turns out, and sometimes when strongly shouts, we help or assist by means of a tubule. The feces leaves very dense. How it is possible to help or assist the child with the given situation? What to eat to mum and the child? Thanks.

Dmitry, the doctor-pediatrist
23.08.2004, 12:01
Hello. The picture of disease is not absolutely clear. At laktaznoj failures usually completely translate on nizkolaktoznye admixtures. In this case the described phenomena at the child are not connected with laktaznoj a failure. The dysbacteriosis (disturbance of formation of a microflora of an intestine) most likely takes place. You should specify once again the diagnosis laktaznoj failures as if he will not prove to be true transition to full thoracal feeding is possible or probable. Let's the child drink more. Apply ukropnuju water, espumizan. Mum does not need to eat cabbage, cucumbers, bean and all with them svjazanoe, for example a russian cabbage soup. Do or make to the child massage of a stomach or belly by circular movements clockwise, all over again stroking, then increasing or enlarging pressure of an arm or a hand. More I can advise nothing on the Internet not seeing the child. Success.