Просмотр полной версии : Hello! In it or this to year my son of 6.5 years has gone in 1 yj a class. A load och...

21.08.2004, 11:34
Hello! In it or this to year my son of 6.5 years has gone in 1 yj a class. A load very much greater or big, t. To. Studies at orthopedic school of full day. Recently began to notice that when I come behind it or him to school that he any nervous, to me is rude, netnrpimyj and when I do not understand something in its or his story at once starts to cry and be nervous. The house does not like to do or make the house. The task (especially reading), even has started to deceive that do not set. And more pereodicheski creaks teeth at night (worms are not present - have checked up). I am am disturbed very much with this situation, whether there is no at it or him a neurosis? Thanks.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
22.08.2004, 10:38
Address to the psychologist internally.