Просмотр полной версии : At the child 6, 5 months after attempt to enter into a ration apple juice in 3, 5 months...

19.08.2004, 04:25
At the child 6, 5 months after attempt to enter into a ration apple juice in 3, 5 months have begun problems with a stomach: strong meteorizmt (especially disturbs at night), the analysis of a feces shows a high level of leucocytes (up to 20 units), the bacteriological analysis - negative. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment bifidumbakterin, linneks, bifiform without result. Only a thoracal delivery. How to help or assist the child? Whether it is possible to enter prikorm?

Mum of the kid
20.08.2004, 13:25
And what for you in general have begun with apple juice? Same the last century... Recently recommend to begin with vegetables, and a vegetable marrow tsukkini or cabbage. With juices it is not necessary to hurry at all, it is not too rare on them any reactions. First vegetables, porridges, fruit then... Especially, at you reaction...

21.08.2004, 13:37
I agree with Mum of the kid, try to give cabbage juice from half of tea spoon in the morning. If "will go", uvnlichivajte a dose gradually, then other juice enter. To my child has helped or assisted, problems with a tummy became less. And in general on new development recommend about one year thoracal feeding and only.

Mum of the kid
22.08.2004, 08:39
Well, about one year... net-is not present, up to 6 ti months. Further - would not risk. But as addition to prikormam - till now I nurse (year and to four kid)