Просмотр полной версии : Hello. My daughter of 6 years. About one and a half year she categorically...

18.08.2004, 16:26
Hello. My daughter of 6 years. About one and a half year she categorically refuses to wear skirts (not proving), from hairdresses - only one tail. I can not convince it or her in any way, what is it beautifully. There are quarrels. Whether it is necessary to insist or by itself will pass or take place? What can be the reasons?

20.08.2004, 07:35
I till now do not like a skirt and a dress, on job I go in jeans (the blessing it at us in collective is possible). In the childhood from hairdresses there was one kosa-because conveniently, in the summer - shorts, in the winter dzhinsy/trousers. To insist, I think it is not necessary, well Vam-that of that the girl in trousers goes.. Well skirts and all do not like her.. That obosnovyvat-that? For certain, is and at you such, that something is not pleasant to you - without explanations.. If wish to dress up the little girl for a holiday - buy or purchase beautiful brjuchki or dzhinsiki - the child will be happy also you to itself nerves save:) And quarrels in occasion of, that is beautiful, and that is not present.. In fact at different people - various tastes and concepts about beauty, and 6 years are already the person, I think to you it is necessary to listen and to not insist on the . I shall tell or say by own experience - in trousers to play and climb on trees much easier:) - and boys do not aspire to glance anywhere:) Also, it is possible or probable in due course she "will grow" to skirts and dresses:) Success to you!

21.08.2004, 20:33
Vot-here, I remember, when to me there were 7 8 years, for me a school uniform (can, remember, what is it was?) was the present or true torture. Because boys lifted up. And outside of school I put on only trousers.