Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Age of mine of the little son 2.5 years. The diagnosis - easy or light;mild forms...

20.08.2004, 00:44
Hello the doctor! Age of mine of the little son 2.5 years. The diagnosis - the easy or light;mild form gipoterioza. During 1.5 years accepts L-tiraksin. Analysis TTG - 0, 9. The problem that he has stopped in body height since September, 25th 2001., and in weight since April 2001, body height makes 86 sm, and weight - 10. To increase or enlarge dose L-tiraksina I am afraid, t. To. Parameter TTG is closer to the bottom level. What to us to undertake?

Krivskaja L.K.
21.08.2004, 14:35
Hello, Ljuda! It is very serious question and to give consultation in absentia I do not undertake. It is necessary to analyze all data. I to you rekomeduju to go on internal consultation on faculty of endocrinology of children's and teenage age RMAPO. If I am not mistaken, there once a week spend polyclinic reception. Call on bodies: 156 59 24 or 156 59 48 also learn or find out - more precisely when it is possible to arrive and that is necessary for this purpose. When will go, all documents and analyses take with itself.
The faculty is located to the address of: street Hour, 20. (from m. "Airport" on foot in a direction to the Leningrad market)