Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! My daughter three weeks. And I would like to learn or find out the following: 1. Ka...

18.08.2004, 12:09
Good afternoon! My daughter three weeks. And I would like to learn or find out the following:
1. How often it is necessary to bathe at such age and further?
2. In what to bathe now and later? (the cord or navel has already begun to live)
3. How often and than to wash a head now and then?
4. How correctly to make a camomile, to a turn for bathing? (whether it is necessary after bathing in travke it or her then to wash off usual water?)
5. We bathe in boiled water - up to what age to bathe in boiled water or it is already possible in usual iz-under the cock?
6. How to define or determine, what the child is hurted with a tummy?
7. How the allergy at the child on any product which I have eaten looks or appears? (we on thoracal feeding)
8. If I not that have eaten something - than still it can threaten the child except for a possible or probable allergy on a product, pains in a tummy, colics, an inflation and how it to define or determine?
9. What I can eat? (except for kashek, low-fat, not smoked, nezharenogo)
10. Why it is impossible crude ovoshchi-fruit? (than it threatens the child?)
- What in general fruit it is possible and in what kind and quantity or amount?
- The same about vegetables
11. Why it is impossible flour and sweet? (or it is possible?)
12. Why it is impossible yoghurts? (usual and drinking)
13. Whether it is possible to eat dryings and crackers? (usual store. And cookies - if yes, what?)
14. Whether it is possible to eat bread, a butter?
15. Whether it is possible to eat porridges Bystrov? (oat with apples, without Saccharum - with fructose and rice allsorts - she with Saccharum and different fruit).
16. Saccharum in porridges and tea to add it is possible? (if is not present, why)
17. Whether it is possible to drink juices?
It would be very grateful for answers to these questions. For me they are very important.

The anonym
19.08.2004, 03:55
Irina, any book about a delivery of feeding mum begins words - the delivery should be balanced. Juices, porridges, Saccharum, bread and butter or oil, and also crackers and dryings and all aforesaid - is possible, only gradually and it is not necessary to enter into a diet all at once. In an ideal - for a day one more product in the menu is added and look on shchechki and on the priest of the baby - if there is a reddening, pryshchiki - that this product while clean or remove. It is not necessary to eat mushrooms, a herring, canned food, citron, alcohol. Cabbage and bean - it is cautious. It is possible green apples, pears, bananas, carrots - only it is cautious. To bathe with soap it is possible once a week - as it is pleasant, though twice a day. Aluchshe buy or purchase the book for young mum and prochtite all - too many questions.

Anna To.
19.08.2004, 10:57
My God, how much questions!!!
When I have given birth at me was stolkozhe. I not the expert, and am simple too young mum, but already proshchedshchaja this period. Irina, call to me 7720522 - we shall chat.

Anna To.
20.08.2004, 07:17
Who here, at such o'clock?

Brejkin D.V.
21.08.2004, 01:28
Daaaaaaaaa. It is sensitive less questions at once. With such quantity or amount address to the pediatrist in an out-patient department, to them to respond orally in conversation easier...