Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To my son 3 years. Recently have handed over the analysis (kall) on dizbakterioz...

Petrov Valery
19.08.2004, 02:56
Hello. To my son 3 years. Recently have handed over the analysis (kall) on dizbakterioz. As a result - practically is absent bifidumbakterii, are present golden stafilakokk, enterokokk. At the child, since spring sharp allergic reaction has begun. Display was expressed in the form of a plentiful eruption (wet) on all skin. It was necessary to resort and to garmonalnym to ointments (advantan). In the summer, after course of treatment by the specified ointments, and also preparations "lineks" (it was necessary to resort as had been ill bronhiotm in the same spring and were treated by antibiotics) the eruption has disappeared. In the beginning of autumn, the eruption on a skin again has started to appear. I also have decided to try to hand over the above-stated analysis on dizbakterioz, suspecting, that the given allergic reaction, is consequence or investigation of any internal diseases. Whether tell or say please have ground my suspicions, especially when the analysis on dizbakterioz, staphilococcuses - positive? And what modern preparations it is possible treats the given infections, except for antibiotics (in the analysis ukzali, what sensitivity on antibiotics positive)? In advance thanks

Albanova V.I.
20.08.2004, 15:33
Enanthesises are not always connected with a dysbacteriosis. These are different diseases and to treat them it is necessary - for a miscellaneous. Treatment of a dysbacteriosis should be spent by the pediatrist or the gastroenterologist, so your question to them.