Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At a daughter (11) mine of the employee since the birth nabl...

13.08.2004, 11:52
Hello, the doctor. At a daughter (11) I of the employee since the birth observes such picture. When the child worries (takes offence and t. The item) or is engaged in physical culture (average fiz. The load - even to walk upstairs), palpitation becomes frequent, it is clear. (Speech not about extreme situations.) but thus at the girl it becomes visible, as heart fights - the skin simply shakes. It looks or appears strashnovato. The child surveyed, and the doctor has told or said, that he does not see the reasons for trouble. But mother nevertheless is nervous - with such to meet it was not necessary. At the second daughter such too is not present. Please, comment on this situation (whether pavors are vain, whether will pass or take place it - vse-taki even under clothes it is visible when the girl podrastet...)

Tutelman K.M.
16.08.2004, 23:00
The visible expressed intimate or cardiac jerk can be observed and in norm or rate (especially at tachycardia or cardiopalmus) - at astenichnyh (thin) children at whom the apex of heart is literally prilezhit to a forward thoracal wall. Certainly if the given problem excites parents it is necessary to address to the cardiologist - to execute an electrocardiogram, EhoKg - to exclude an organic pathology of heart.
Also see http: // pedcardio. narod. ru

19.08.2004, 18:19
Thanks, the doctor!