Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, to the child three months, all over again doctors have told or said to us, that...

13.08.2004, 08:49
Prompt, please, to the child three months, all over again doctors have told or said to us, that at it or him one kidney is more, another less, have then told or said, that one kidney allocates more liquids another less. The diagnosis any do not put, but approve or confirm, that one kidney should be deleted. All the general or common analyses good. Prompt what to do or make and in what center it is possible to address on inspection, and whether really it is necessary to delete a kidney?

Bolshakova M.A.
16.08.2004, 13:40
Hardly, that to you will remove a kidney without the diagnosis. Most likely it is a question of a hydronephrosis. Different degrees of a hydronephrosis are treated on a miscellaneous. At appreciable disturbance of function of a kidney it or her delete.

18.08.2004, 11:40
And you nepodskazhite where it is possible to pass or take place inspection and to appoint or nominate treatment?

Bolshakova M.A.
19.08.2004, 06:40
I know only in SPb