Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Victor Semenovich! You could not comment a word, to...

Marina, mum poliny
08.08.2004, 18:30
Hello, Victor Semenovich! You could not comment a word which I have casually met in magazine Be healthy from 2004. The surgeon responded to a question on dislocations and their treatment - the orthopedist, the deputy chapters or heads. On surgery Izmajlovskoj of a children's hospital Moscow Isaev of A.A.On writes the doctor, that diaplasis under a narcosis and bracing by a gypsum now is not applied and further: Diaplasis at a congenital dislocation should be gradual, and the fixing splint - functional. Surgical treatment is shown at 2 years or summer age To it or him;them to address there is no opportunity, therefore for explanations address to you. My daughter have made diaplasis under a narcosis in 6, 5 mes, after extension and other attempts unsuccessful to set gradually, and I to tell the truth now think: it was necessary to wait up to 2 h for years? Or it already about other operation? Now we are treated in zatsepinskoj to hospital (though and not local), and there are pretty often applied plaster rasporki. Means in Izmajlovskoj to hospital treat on another? Or I again have understood nothing? Thanks in advance.

Porohnja V.S.
11.08.2004, 07:32
That you name " plaster rasporkami " is a functional plaster bandage. She is applied in an orthopedics some decades. Bloodless diaplasis under a narcosis is spent as one of extreme measures with the subsequent applying a functional plaster bandage and presently. Where to you did or made diaplasis? In 6, 5 months you should be still in FGP, t. To. The fast result of diaplasis in 6, 5 months can and not achieve especially if treatment is not begun with the first birthdays of the child. There are techniques of treatment of a pathology approved or confirmed by Ministry of Health t/joints. To them should adhere all. But as treat in Izmajlovskoj to hospital - I do not know. A technique of treatment can look or see on my site orthopedist. ru

Marina, mum poliny
13.08.2004, 08:49
Diaplasis to us did or made in zatsepinskoj to hospital after at us in city (small) since a birth we carried by pillow Frejka, then splint Vilenskogo on femurs (at us so treat!), and the apparatus of type Gnevkovskogo. It has not helped or assisted. Even abduction was incomplete and we have arrived to Moscow. Here to us have offered diaplasis by extension, but the femur has not risen. Have made diaplasis under a narcosis - unstably, in day again diaplasis - a femur in a hollow. 2 mes the coxitis, already three mes we in FGP, remains 5 more mes in FGP. Really early was to do or make diaplasis? That zhdat-if on extension (3 weeks) has not risen?

Marina, mum poliny
16.08.2004, 06:16
That is, certainly, remains 3 mes in FGP. I was mistaken. In total in a gypsum after diaplasis 8 months

Porohnja V.S.
18.08.2004, 17:42
3 weeks without diaplasis are not term, wait and more. Apply still aksiljar and extension. Not seeing the child and pictures it is difficult to me to judge correctness of the chosen treatment, but I very much trust Zatsepintsam and I think, that they have chosen the best for you a method of treatment. It is one of the best orthopedic centers in the world (if you knew as children's orthopedists abroad treat!).