Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Daughters of 13 years. 5 months hurt a wrist of an arm or a hand (at sgibe-razg...

16.08.2004, 16:28
Hello! Daughters of 13 years. 5 months hurt a wrist of an arm or a hand (at sgibe-razgibe). The surgeon has diagnosed " a stretching of ligaments or cords " (without a roentgen). Hard bandages and warming ointments do not help or assist. On a leg or foot the daughter had Keller's illness or disease. The same can and on an arm or a hand? What to undertake?

Porohnja V.S.
18.08.2004, 06:21
Quite probably, but not Keller's illness or disease, and Kinbeka or Pannera. Make a x-ray film of a radiocarpal joint in 2 projections.