Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At my son, 8 years, a streptoderma. Vrach-pediator, except for " Fu...

17.08.2004, 05:03
Hello. At my son, 8 years, a streptoderma. Vrach-pediator, except for "Fukortsina", nothing has appointed or nominated. Really it is enough of it or this? In fact with a streptococcus the antibiotic struggles basically. And more, I on the face had three small specks, very similar to maculae at the son, kak-as if have skinned. Likely I have not time to notice a blister. Really a streptoderma so infectious? Also what to do or make to me? Respond please.

Olhovskaja K.B.
18.08.2004, 03:46
Dear Olga! Most likely at you and at your son streptostafilodermija, that is infectious disease of a skin. Right at the beginning of treatment Zincum is really appointed or nominated only fukortsin or zelyonka and if in two days there are new elements it is possible to use Pasta containing an antibiotic, for example linkomitsin, and. If in a week there are no improvements nazanachajutsja antibiotics inside, but all it is done or made under the control of the doctor.