Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At the son (2 years), a structure of legs or foots "iksikom" and as I have noticed...

15.08.2004, 10:37
The dear doctor! At the son (2 years), a structure of legs or foots "iksikom" and as I have noticed, both stops of legs or pinches rest the internal party or side against a floor. About what diagnosis there can be a speech (not an eversion stops?) where you prompt me to address? (the orthopedist in our regional poliklenike is not present), it can is possible at once for something to undertake? In advance many thanks.

Porohnja V.S.
16.08.2004, 22:39
It is a question about H-figurative rachitic deformation of anticnemions and, obviously, of a longitudinal platypodia. The rachitis is treated at pediatrists. The head physician of your children's out-patient department is obliged to direct you to other out-patient department where there is an orthopedist. To give up in a medical care has nobody the rights.

17.08.2004, 14:25
H-figurative deformation of anticnemions on a background of the valgus equipment or installation stop. First of all treatment of a rachitis by vitamin D or if adequate prophylaxis by vitamin was spent is necessary, and the rachitis nevertheless has arisen, the establishment of the reason at the pediatrist is necessary. Vo-the second - correction of deformation - massage of anticnemions and golenostopa; wearing of the footwear responding three parameters: a dense high back, not virtual, but a real arch support, small kabluchok; LFK (it is obligatory at an out-patient department is cabinet or study LFK, it is necessary to resemble and learn to do or make daily (as game) in house conditions).