Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor, tell or say pozhalusta how much the years or summer child should weigh 4 h? Ka...

Yana, Estonia
14.08.2004, 06:03
Uv. The doctor, tell or say pozhalusta how much the years or summer child should weigh 4 h? What average indices? The matter is that at me the girl (18.07.03 - 4 years), from last year has enough recovered, and she hudyshkoj was not. Now she weighs 20 21 kg at body height 104. Its or her pediatrist speaks that a pier at all of you by way of do not create a panic, and my attending physician has told or said to me to pay to this attention. What to do or make? After recent illness or disease (an inflammation of a larynx) once again to the doctor of a message I do not want, very much these visitings it is enough for a daughter travmatichny but if our data you will count vsetaki necessary to address to the doctor to itself first of all we need to go. In advance many thanks! PS. In comparison with others detkami, appetite at it or her not such good.

The anonym
14.08.2004, 23:33
Yana, each child in the development is individual. On classical representations of 20 kg 5 years or summer child should weigh. Recently time children, perhaps, develop noticeably more quickly.
(My own daughter 3 g 9 m too looks or appears on god-an one and a half is more senior both on physical and on intellectual development - we with the wife do not complex). Where true?
So, probably, this question to you should be solved most.
However, the accelerated development can be and an attribute endocrine disbalansa, visit or attend the endocrinologist for the calm.

Aleksandrov I.A.
15.08.2004, 23:23
Yana! Calm down. Weight of your child absolutely normal.

Yana, Estonia
17.08.2004, 02:37
Thanks big for the answer. And in fact she it is valid not only vygljadet is more senior than other rovestnikov, but also in intelektualnom development she advances them. Means to develop detki began really much more quickly. And vsetaki prisluchae we shall address for consultation to the doctor. Once again many thanks for support.