Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Help or assist please rozobratsja what's the matter with mine the brother...

09.08.2004, 15:22
Hello the doctor! Help or assist please rozobratsja what's the matter with mine bratikom. To Him 3 11. We one month ago had a misfortune: its or his daddy has died. He (bratik) strange has started to conduct itself(himself). At night not spit-rises kuda-that looks, as if something checks or something is afraid. Once looks at a ceiling and speaks: " Good night. " And yesterday has asked: " the Daddy in a hole have dug, yes? " We in rasterennosti-do not know what to do or make. He frightens us of the inadequate behaviour. Prompt please.

Pisarenko N.A.
12.08.2004, 22:18
It is reaction to loss of the close person - the excessive pavor, not realized alarm. First of all, it is necessary, if it or this have not made, to talk to the child about an event, normal, accessible words, not deceiving it or him. To explain, that all gorjujut and absolutely normally to feel fear of mors. If pavors will not leave through dve-three weeks, to show the child to the children's psychologist. If the inadequate behaviour will proceed, despite of conversations, to seem immediately.

16.08.2004, 00:29
Looked film " the sixth chuvtsvo "??