Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Daughters of 8 years. After contact to a cat have appeared lishajnye maculae...

Marina Nikolaevna
15.08.2004, 09:00
Good afternoon! Daughters of 8 years. After contact to a cat have appeared lishajnye maculae. And raspolzanie I blocked an itch, cauterizing Malavitom. On each speck (them while only 6), the reddish aura with a fine eruption has disappeared and instead of it or this there was a thin crust on a place where there was a reddish eagle as - as if healing ranka. I have excluded contact to water. That else it is possible to apply to accelerate convalescence.
Thankful in advance for the answer and if it is possible respond today it will be simply remarkable.

15.08.2004, 16:48
My girlfriend has cured at itself deprive own feces