Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please, than it is treated deprive at children? Kakae-that national mediums...

14.08.2004, 00:12
Prompt please, than it is treated deprive at children?
Kakae-that national agents, can be... Thanks in advance!!!

15.08.2004, 08:07
I not the doctor, but have wide experience of treatment depriving. Our Russian deprive is better to treat Griseofulvinum. 10 dnevnyj the course cures completely even serious forms. Be not bought on advertising lamizila. He will not help or assist. If it is not enough maculae, it is possible to manage and medicines. To apply mestno an iodine and ointment which should be reserved in a drugstore (a smell it is similar to a smell of balm Vishnevskogo, structure I do not remember). In the started cases apply also amotio or detachment (in the form of ointment or liquid).