Просмотр полной версии : At the girl 3, 5 months have acted on shchechkah scarlet maculae covered by crusts...

12.08.2004, 16:26
At the girl 3, 5 months have acted on shchechkah scarlet maculae covered by crusts, under them places pustules. Prompt possible or probable treatment mestno. In advance thanks

Nikolay Nikolaevich
14.08.2004, 07:55
By your description, your girl has displays of the infantile form atopicheskogo a dermatitis complicated by a secondary infection. This disease of the allergic nature inclined to synchronization, therefore be in earnest to it or him;them. For the beginning, exclude from a ration of the child all the products containing the cow fiber (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.). Mestno-on crusts put or render 5 % streptotsidovyj Linimentum at 2 3 o'clock fatly, then remove or take off crusts vatno-a gauze wad if all crusts were not removed or not took off for 1, procedure repeat. Pustules accurately open with a sterile needle and tushirujte 2 % an aqueous solution metilenovoj blues. After all will dry up and crusts - a cream belogent - 2 times a day will completely be torn away.

Shapovalova L.M., the pharmacologist, lms@fromru.c
14.08.2004, 12:11
All dermal displays are typical for atopicheskogo a dermatitis (vozhmozhno with joined a microbial eczema), which reason - a dysbacteriosis. Make the analysis on a dysbacteriosis and oregulirujte flora. At this age the basic flora - bifidumbakterii 10 in 10 j - 10 in 12 j, a little already should be and laktobaktery - 10 in 6 j - 10 in 7 j, it is better if other bacteria practically are not defined or determined.

Alexey alexay@mailbox.alkor.ru
15.08.2004, 04:41
Look or See here: http: // www. alkor. ru/~00674300/deti/
It is result in 2 3 weeks. If to you so will approach or suit - write, I shall help or assist.