Просмотр полной версии : In Russia the opinion, that associates of the child subjects, including a floor is accepted and...

10.08.2004, 06:25
In Russia the opinion is accepted, that associates of the child subjects, including a floor and other, should be pure or clean, t. To. At the child the weak not developed immunity, can be ill. In the USA other point of view - to the child allow to touch or tamper with dirty subjects, not wiping him after that arms or hand and observing how he then drags them in a mouth. Americans speak are develops them imunnuju system, strengthens it or her. Whether it is necessary to speak that they not razuvajutsja houses. What of these points of view correct? Can, the politics of dirty subjects is favourable to the American physicians simply and they hammer in brains naive amerikanam? We live in the USA, therefore intereuemsja is is especially acute this problem.

The doctor
10.08.2004, 19:18
It seems to me, at you erroneous representation both about Russia, and about America, both about doctors, and about " naive Americans ". Whether to wash to you houses a floor solve.

10.08.2004, 21:12
Mikrob zhivotnoe nezhnoe - ot gryazi dohnet.

11.08.2004, 05:22
I shall solve after when I learn or I find out, whether really strengthens imunnuju system a suction of dirty subjects. Here you also I ask, as at the doctor.

The anonym
12.08.2004, 13:52
You have mixed all that is possible... We wash floors with dezinfitsirujushch. r-rum that the child has not died of PATHOGENIC microbes, nobody speaks about full isolation of the child from vneshe the aggressive world. Even it is necessary to walk with the child in park, to come to see the grandmother in village, etc. at such child of less chances to suffer allergic diseases, than at the child living in a room with plastic, eternally closed, a window where the aeration is carried out ch/z splitsistemu. And rules of prophylaxis of helminthic diseases in all countries identical, and, I hope, you know them. Ifektsija she different happens, and its or her sources too, whether therefore in each concrete case it is necessary to you to decide to wash to the child of an arm or a hand or not. Only do not finish to pitiable consequences!

13.08.2004, 22:51
I do not speak about full isolation, I not storonik THIS extreme measure. I hope, though we the child razuvatsja shall accustom houses and to wash arms or hand before meal (that average Americans do or make at restaurants ONLY after visiting toilets).

15.08.2004, 01:01
Well here, well. And that to me became absolutely terrible)