Просмотр полной версии : Hello. .moja the daughter (11 years) very strong sleeps. .mozhet, it and not illness or disease...

Nastja M.
13.08.2004, 07:52
Hello. .moja the daughter (11 years) very strong sleeps. .mozhet, and not illness or disease absolutely, but it or her it is very difficult to awake it in the mornings, eternally is late in school. Whether it is enough her 7-8 hours per day or to lay down even earlier (it already tried or tasted and not raz-it is difficult to fall asleep, spins in a bed), after shkoly-lays on a sofa and looks televizor-it is its or her such rest. She polnenkaja, at body height 155 62-63. That eto-overloaded a nerve. The system which in kontse-the extremities or ends vse-will peerly take the 9 10 a dream, our parent inattention to performance of a regimen or, can, buy or purchase alarm clock is louder? Mind or wit any more I shall not put or apply, and a daughter obstinate enough. .i eshche-what is the time it is possible to spend to the child of 11 13 years in front of the TV and a computer in day without injury or damage to vision and nervous system? Thanks..

Nogovitsyn V.J.
14.08.2004, 23:13
If as a whole norms or rates on one question do not exist, all individually. On a concrete problem - it is necessary to understand in details, it is possible to try or taste a day time dream. Different variants down to usual laziness are possible or probable.